Name: Dr. Sowmya S
Designation: HOD, Department of Management Studies
Qualification: M.Com, Ph.D.
Year of Joining: March - 2023
Subject Specialisation Accounting and Finance, Corporate Governance
Employee perception on whistle blowing in Public Sector Enterprises- A study of Karnataka State Public Sector Enterprises. An empirical study trying to understand the employee perception on whistle blowing awareness, training needs, whistle blowing mechanism and protection measures towards whistle blowing.
- Increasing self-awareness as a part of leadership development and team productivity among working professionals.
- Study on Financial literacy among higher educational students from different streams.
- Opportunities and Challenges for autonomous educational institutions- Stakeholder’s Approach
- Understanding Business failures – Case studies Approach
- “Whistle Blowing Perceptions- A comparative study of male and female employees.” The paper is published in Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies- EISSN: 2229-5674 ISSN: 2249-0310, Jan 2014.
- “Whistle blowing mechanism in public sector enterprises- A study of Karnataka State Public Enterprises”- the paper is published in Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary- ISSN 2320-5083, Vol 2, Issue 1, February 2014.
- “Demographic Factors affecting whistle blowing in Public Sector Enterprises- An empirical study”. The paper is published in SCMS Journal of Indian Management- ISSN 0973-3167.Vol :1 April 2014.
- “Whistle Blower Protection Law- Regulatory Framework- Global Scenario”. The paper is published in International Journal of Management and Computing Sciences-ISSN 2231-3303 Canada. Vol 4 Number 3-4 July-December 2015 Pg no: 1-13.
- “What motivates whistleblowers? Wisdom Vs Stupidity- two faces of the same coin.” The paper is published in American International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences ISSN (Print): 2328-3734, ISSN (Online): 2328-3696, ISSN (CD-ROM): 2328-3688 9(4), December 2014-February 2015, pp. 364-368.
- “Whistle blowing and Companies Act 2013-bridging the gap for better corporate governance, Journal of Governance and Public Policy, Institute of Public Enterprise ISSN: 2231-0924 Vol. 5, No. 1, January - June 2015.”
- Participated and published in International Conference held in SDMIMD Mysore on August 3rd and 4th and presented paper on the topic entitled “Whistle blowing and Financial Reporting”.
- Participated in an international seminar on “Ethics, Governance and International Financial Reporting Standards” held on 24th and 25th February 2012 at SDM College Ujire. And presented and published the paper on the business ethics topic entitled “Ethical Strategic Management Process and Decision Making”.
- Participated in International Conference held at St. Ignatius College of Education Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu on May 3rd and 4th 2013 and presented and published the paper on the topic entitled “Waste Management in Hospitals: A case study of selected Hospitals in Mysore City”. The paper is being published in Book Entitled Energy, Environment and Health Edited by Dr. Paramasivan G, Alphonsa S, and Edison J.
- Participated in National Seminar held at Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Bogadi, Mysore on April 26th 2013 and presented and published the paper on the topic entitled “Aadhaar Program- Destiny and Destination”.
- Participated in two days international conference on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability, held at Karnataka Women’s University , Bijapur and presented and published paper in a book bearing ISBN on the topic entitled “Whistleblower protection laws across different countries- the content analysis”.
- Participated in one-day national conference on 4th February 2012 on “Food inflation- issues and challenges” jointly organized by the Department of commerce and economics D Banumaiah’s College of Commerce and Arts, Mysore.
- Participated in the IX Convention of Federation of Teacher’s Councils of Commerce and Management in Karnataka and state level conferences, held in Mysore on 17th and 18th February 2012 on “Achieving organizational Excellence through Business Education-Issues and Challenges.”
- Participated in an international seminar on “Ethics, Governance and International Financial Reporting Standards” held on 24th and 25th February 2012 at SDM College Ujire. And presented the paper on the business ethics topic entitled “Ethical Strategic Management Process and Decision Making”. The article is being published in their journal bearing ISBN.
- Participated in the workshop on Statistical Analysis of Research Data using SPSS held at SDMIMD Mysore on June 9th and 10th 2012.
- Participated in International Conference held in SDMIMD Mysore on August 3rd and 4th and presented paper on the topic entitled “Whistle blowing and Financial Reporting”. The paper is being published in Conference CD bearing ISBN number.
- SPSS Workshop: Attended the SPSS workshop for data analysis conducted by the Computer Centre, University of Mysore. 10 days.
- Participated in International Conference held at St. Ignatius College of Education Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu on May 3rd and 4th 2013 and presented paper on the topic entitled “Waste Management in Hospitals: A case study of selected Hospitals in Mysore City”. The paper is being published in Book Entitled Energy, Environment and Health Edited by Dr. Paramasivan G, Alphonsa S, and Edison J.
- Participated in UGC-CPE sponsored One-day National Level workshop on “Modern Trends in Research Methodology Part-II”, organized by the Research cell, SBRR Mahajana First Grade College, Jayalakshmipuram, Mysore on April 16th 2013.
- Participated in National Seminar held at Amrita School of Arts and Sciences, Bogadi, Mysore on April 26th 2013 and presented paper on the topic entitled “Aadhaar Program- Destiny and Destination”. The paper is being published in Conference CD bearing ISBN number.
- Participated in 10 days National Training Programme on “Research Methodology and Econometrics for Social Sciences” conducted by Department of Economics, Dharwad University, Dharwad, organized by ICSSR.
- Participated in one-day state level conference on “Entrepreneurship Awareness” held on 14th March 2014 at P.E.S college of Science, Arts and Commerce, Mandya.
- Participated and presented paper on the topic entitled "Is CSR window Dressing” in National Conference held at MS Ramaiya College, Bangalore on 22nd March 2014 on Ethics, Corporate Governance and CSR.
- Participated in one-day annual conference on Agri- Risk Management held at Department of Studies and Research in Commerce, University of Mysore, Mysore on 24th March 2014.
- Participated in two days’ international conference on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability, held at Karnataka Women’s University, Bijapur and presented and published paper in a book bearing ISBN on the topic entitled “Whistleblower protection laws across different countries- the content analysis”.
- Participated in 2 days Summit IoT NEXT 2106 organized by IESA and TIE Bangalore held on 9th and 10th November 2016.
- Attended FDP on “Commodity Future Market Technology” organized by R.S College of Management and Science, Bangalore on 12th Jan 2017.
- Participated in seminar on “Trend and Scope of E-Commerce- the Digital way”, organized by PG Department of Commerce and Management- SFGC on 22nd March 2017.
- Participated in one-day National Workshop on “Goods and Services Tax(GST), and its Implications” organized by PG Department of Commerce and Management- SFGC on 20th April 2017.
- Participated as Rapporteur at the International Conference on “Global Contemporary Issues, Innovations and Challenges in Commerce, Management, Science and Technology” held on 7th October 2017 jointly organized by Seshadripuram First Grade College and Bangalore University Principals’ Association & Bangalore University Teacher’s Council of Commerce and Management.
- Attended FDP on “Neuro Linguistic Program” on 21st December 2017 organised by PG Department of Commerce and Management- SFGC
- Invited as Guest Speaker to talk on the topic “Whistle Blowing” on 26th September 2019, organized by PG Department of Commerce, Government First Grade College, Krishnarajanagar, Mysore.
- Participated in the online webinar on “Impact of Covid-19 on Indian Economy” organized by the Department of Economics, Kristu Jayanti College, Bengaluru on 13th May, 2020.
- Participated in the international webinar on “Relevance of Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) in tackling Covid-19.” Jointly organized by Mangalayatan University, Aligarh & Himalayan University, Itanagar on 25th May 2020.
- Participated in international webinar on “Pandemic Covid-19 and Survival of Indian MSME’s held on 28th June 2020 organized by Glocal School of Business and Commerce, Glocal University, Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.
- Prof.J.K. Irani Felicitation Committee Cash Prize- University of Mysore(2009)
- Prof.B R Ananthan Felicitation Gold Medal- University of Mysore(2009)
- M.Com Students Association 1970-71 Gold Medal- University of Mysore(2009)
- Karnataka Finance Corporation (REGD) Endowment Cash Prize- University of Mysore.(2009)
- Junior Research Fellowship Award-UGC
- Senior Research Fellowship Award-UGC
- Department of Management Studies
M.S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce
Bangalore - 560054, India