- Qualification: M.Sc, K-SET, (PhD)
- Department: Department of Mathematics
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Year of Experience: 5 Years
- Email ID:
Academic / Professional Achievements
Awards & Recognitions
- Qualified Karnatak State Eligibility Test (K-SET) for Assistant Professorship conducted by University of Mysore in 2013.
- B.Sc- Gold medal in Mathematics.
Seminars / Conferences / Work Shops / Training Programs / Others
- Attended two days’ webinar on “Transdisciplinary perspectives on Applied Complex analysis” on 2nd and 3rd September 2021.
- Attended five days FDP on “Finite Element Analysis – Research perspective” from 23rd to 27th August 2021.
- Attended five days FDP on “Modern methods for effective teaching and learning” from 17th to 21st August 2021 organised by Rathinam College of Arts and Science.
- Attended a webinar on “NEP 2020: Indian Culture and heritage towards wellbeing of learners in HEIs” on 30th July 2021 organised by Disha Bharath.
- Attended six days FDP on “Python programming” from 19th to 24th July 2021 organised by Government first grade college.
- Attended a webinar on “Language of Mathematics on Nature” on 1st July 2021 organised by MES College of Arts, Science and Commerce.
- Attended five days FDP on “Recent trends” from 8th to 12th June 2021 organised by M.S. Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce.
- Attended FDP on “Instilling Effectiveness in Digital Teaching in Current Scenario” on 25th May 2021 organised by Amity Global Business School.
- Attended one week FDP on “Orientation of AQAR 2020-21” from 17th to 23rd May 2021 organised by M.S. Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce.
- Attended 5 days FDP on “Enhancing Psychological skills for teaching/learning and Practice” from 3rd to 7th May 2021 organised by M.S. Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce.
- Attended NPTEL Course on “Complex Analysis” from September to December 2020.
- Attended a webinar on “Mathematical modeling of an Epidemic due to corona” on 23rd July 2020 organised by SJR College for women.
- Attended FDP on “Data Science” on 18th July 2020 organised by Campus Technology.
- Attended 5 day FDP on “Finite Element Analysis Practice and MATLAB” from 13th to 17th July 2020 organised by Tontadarya College of Engineering.
- Attended a webinar on “The congruent number problem and Elliptic curves” on 12th July 2020 organised by Gonit Sora.
- Attended an International Webinar on “Fermat’s last theorem and a failure of unique factorization” on 12th July 2020 organised by Lumding College.
- Attended two days webinar on “Number Theory and its application to Cryptography” on 10th and 11th July 2020 organised by NIE, Mysuru.
- Attended a webinar on “Wolfram Mathematica: An overview” on 10th July 2020 organised by Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology.
- Attended FDP on “Didactics on Online Teaching” on 2nd July 2020 organised by M.S. Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce.
- Attended a webinar on “Research and Publication Ethics in Science” on 27th June 2020 organised by St. Albert’s College.
- Attended one week National Faculty Development Program on “Latex” organized by Sanjay Ghodawat University, Kolhapur from 27th April to 2nd May 2020.
- Attended one week National Faculty Development Program on “SCILAB-An open Source Substitute for MATLAB” organized by JNTUH College of Engineering, Sultanpur and Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay from 25th to 30th May 2020.
- Attended five day online Faculty Development Program on “Online Teaching during COVID-19 pandemic” organized by IQAC, Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bengaluru from 23rd to 27th June 2020.
- Attended One day Workshop on “Scientific Data Analysis using Origin Pro and Mathematica” organized by the Department of Post Graduate Studies & Research in Physics on 2nd January 2020 at The National College, Jayanagar.
- Attended One day Faculty Development Program on “E-Resource and Digital Content” held on 21st September 2019 conducted by Department of Library and Information Centre at RCASC.
- Attended One day workshop on “Python” conducted by IIT Bombay at BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore on 22nd June 2019.
- Attended 3rd National Seminar on “New Methodology of Assessment and Accreditation by NAAC-Issues and Challenges” organized by IQAC of RCASC on 11th April 2019.
- Attended One day Workshop on “Mathematics Practicals using FOSS” organized by BU, BCU and BNU at Jnanajyothi Seminar Hall, Central College, Bangalore on March 2nd 2019.
Coordinated and Organized
- Organized a workshop on “Practical knowledge on Python programming” on 21st and 22nd January 2021.
- organized a guest lecture on “Language of Mathematics in Nature” on 7th January 2021.
- organized a webinar on “Role of Eigen values and Eigen vectors in the solution of ODE” on 28th August 2020.
- organized a Value Added Course on “Wolfram Mathematica” from 15th April to 5th May 2020.
- Hurwitz type results for certain representations of integers as sums of squares. D.D. Somashekara and Thulasi, Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society (Accepted for publication)
- A proof of Reciprocity theorem by use of loop integrals. D.D. Somashekara and Thulasi, International J. Math. Combin Vol3(2020), 65-70.