Name: Dr. Lakshmi Kanth R N
Designation: Associate Professor & HOD
Qualification: M.Sc., B.Ed., Ph.D., K-SET
Year of Joining: 14-08-2007
Work Experience: Research- 07 years + Teaching- 19 years
"Studies on the factors affecting in-vivo clonal propagation of Teak (Tectona grandis. L.)"
- Veeresh Nandikolmath, LakshmiKanth R N, Sandeep Kumar Padhy, Manas Ranjan Padhy, Sharangouda J Patil. 2021. Preparation of Bio-Bandage from Human Platelet Lysate admixed with Sericin Polymer for efficient wound healing. Int J Med Res Health Sci. 10(2):8-20
- Nazanin Soudbakhsh Moghadam, Anil Kumar H.V, Laksmi kanth. R.N, Muralidhar.S.Talkad, Meghna Nagaraj, Manasa D. R. 2017. Anti Bacterial and Anti Oxidant Activities of Evolvulus alsinoides Linn. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS).12 (1) Ver. III PP 83-86.
- Sohini Dutta, Ishika Roy, Lakshmi kanth R.N. 2014. Effect of Aloe vera supplementation on phenytoin induced behavioural abnormalities in rats. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 3 (12): 1084-1094.
- Ayesha Sultana, Drona Bhattacharya, Sammya Kumar Sen, Sreyasi Bhattacharya, Lakshmi Kanth R.N. 2014. Antibiotic Resistance, Molecular Diversity & Verotoxin Characterization of E. coli Isolated from Clinical Samples. Int. J. of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. 3 (2): 9095-9099.
- Somashekar, P.V., Lakshmi kanth, R.N., Rathore, T.S., Reddy K.S. and Lakshman.A.C. 2004. Macro-propagation of Guadua angustifolia Kunth- An exotic and fast growing Bamboo species. Indian Forester 130 (6) p. 655-662.
- Sindhuveerendra, H.C., Somashekar, P.V., Lakshmi kanth, R.N. and Rathore, T.S. 2002. Variation and performance of Eucalyptus clones in Bangalore. My Forest. 38 (1) p.89-94.
- Book Chapter
- Anand, S., Lakshmikanth, R.R.N.R., Manjula, K.R., Jayashree, D.R. and Ravikiran, T., 2022. Aging: Impact of Gut Microbiota. In Gut Microbiome in Neurological Health and Disorders (pp. 71-82). Springer, Singapore
- Seed Money project funded by the College
- Co- Investigator for the project entitled “Study and evaluation of Cymbopogon species on Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)”.
- Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology – Student Project Program [KSCST SPP]
- 43S_MSC _055 (2019-2020) Transesterification of Simarouba and Jatropha oil and use of its products as environmentally sustainable mechanical and biological energy source in bio-fuel and dairy industry
- 43S_MSC _053 (2019-20) Transesterification of Pongamia and Neem oil and use of its products as environmentally sustainable mechanical and biological energy source in bio-fuel and dairy industry
- 39S_B_MSC_023 (2015-16) Genetic analysis of the variations among the traits of the wild type Pongamia trees planted in Bangalore city in comparison with those of that of the candidate plus Pongamia species through protein marker assay test and improving the crop variety by grafting technology for better yield of Pongamia seeds.
- 39S_B_MSC_003 (2015- 16) Chemical nutrient analysis of vermicompost produced using Pongamia pinnata seed cake and its effect on the growth of Pongamia pinnata.
- 38S_B_MSc_018 (2014-15) Comparative studies of ethanol production from different fruit wastes and determination of ethanol efficiency
- 38S_B_MSc_017 (2014-15) Production of biodiesel from Callophylum inophyllum and Hydnocaprus pentandra
Plant Biotechnology
- Vinutha M, Lakshmikanth R.N, Shravani S, Divyashree B , Aishwarya K and Nagaraj M.M. 2022. Antimicrobial activity of Cymbopogon winterianus against Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)” in International Conference on Phytomedicine 2022, organized by Centre for Molecular and Computational Biology, St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Bengaluru on 20 and 21 May 2022.
- Rishika Dutta, Veeresh Nandikolmath, Lakshmi Kanth R.N, and Sharangouda J. Patil. “Preparation of Bio-Bandage From Human Platelet Lysate Admixed With Sericin Polymer-For Efficient Wound Healing” at Virtual International Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical and Biological Sciences (ViRACBS – 2020) Page 72-73, organized by department of chemistry, Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bengaluru from 7 th to 9 th December 2020.
- Jayashree D.R., Lakshmi Kanth R. N., Nagarathna A., Dhanush J Balekai., MD. Zubair. “A green approach for sustainable future” at Virtual International Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical and Biological Sciences (ViRACBS – 2020) Page 85, organized by department of chemistry, Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bengaluru from 7 th to 9 th December 2020.
- Ranjini. S, Nandeesha. P, and Lakshmi kanth R N. “Molecular Characterization of French bean and Dolichos genotypes for rust resistance” at International Conference on Life, Chemical and Health Sciences. 24 th – 26 th November 2019. RCASC, Bengaluru.
Associate Member – Karnataka Science and Technology Academy
- Email: lakshmikanth_biotech@msrcasc.edu.in
Department of Biotechnology & Genetics
M.S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce
Bangalore - 560054, India - Office: +91 - 80236-00966