Name: Mr. Shankar Guddad
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: MCOM, UGC-NET, K-SET (Ph.D.)
Year of Joining: 01-03-2019
Work Experience: 8 Years (Outside MSRCASC - 3.8 years)
Forensic Accounting- It deals with the scope and disclosure of Financial frauds that are happening our economy and willing to publish my research on its regulatory framework in India.
FDPs/Seminars/Workshops organized 22-23
- Six Day National Level Online Faculty Development Program on “Teaching Plan and Methods of BCOM, BCU Sixth Semester Curriculum”, held from 8th August to 13th August 2022
- organizing a guest lecture on “Motivational session on Digital Marketing” as per the requirement of the Institution Innovation Council, scheduled to be conducted on March 15th, 2023
- organized an Activity Based Program on Career Prospects- Student’s Perspective on 13th Dec 2022
Resource Person in
- As a Resource Person on the topic “Research Methodology and Review of Literature” on 18-03-2023 for Research Scholars of SJB College of Management Studies, Research Centre, Kengeri, Bangalore.
- As a resource person for THE KNOWLEDGE HUB academy on UGC NET COMMERCE PAPER 2 for Business Management & HRM and Income Tax for 4 days (09th, 10th, 17th & 18th February 2023).
- As a resource person for THE MILESTONE ACADEMY on Personality Development session to PG MBA students at St Claret College on 04-05-2023.
Paper Presentations:
- Paper presented in an international conference on Banking and finance towards a sustainable future by Jain College of Engineering on March 10th and 11th 2023.
- Paper presented in two-day National Conference on Best Practices of Research and Innovation in STEAM Higher Education on March 09th and 10th 2023.
- A paper published and presented a paper in the International Conference on Management, Science, and Education with Inceed and Space with ISBN 978-93-911935-8-4 Titled Fuzzy Logic- A Remarkable Business Strategy.
- Authored a textbook called DIGITAL MARKETING for MCOM second semester affiliated to BCU- April 2022-ISBN-978-93-5596-734-3
- Authored a textbook called MODEL QUESTION BANK for BCOM NEP second semester affiliated to BCU- August 2022-ISBN-978-81-954968-6-0
- Presented and Published a research paper in National level conference ERUDITE organized by Seshadripuram Institute of Commerce & Management on 20/09/2019 (Topic – Patanjali a benchmark in Green Marketing ISBN 978-93-5382-464-8)
- Presented a research paper in International Conference on sustainability transformation Development in Business & Management on 24/01/2020 and Published in SCOPUS ISSN 0193-4120 H INDEX – 4.27 SJR – 0.1 (Topic-Transformation in Green Marketing)
- Published a research paper in National Level Journal of social sciences on June 2 2020 (Topic – Impact of Covid-19 on Indian Economy)
- Published a paper on title “Cryptocurrencies - A serious nuisance to Indian Investors”; Pg. 125 to 130 –Vol, VII, No :12(III), 2021, Scopus, Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research: ISSN: 2277-7067
- Published a research paper in UGC care list titled “A CASE STUDY REVIEW ON GREEN MARKETING JOURNAL OF EDUCATION: RABINDRA BHARATI UNIVERSITY” with ISSN: 0972-7175 (2022)
- Published a research paper in UGC care list titled “CRYPTOCURRENCIES – A SERIOUS NUISANCE TO INDIAN INVESTORS” Shodhsamhita: Journal of Fundamental and Comparative Research Vol. VII, No. 12(III): 2021 with ISSN: 2277-7067 (2022).
- Presented and Published a paper entitled “Fuzzy logic – A remarkable business strategy” International Conference on Management Education, ISBN: 978- 911935-8-4
Finance, Accounting and Taxation
Books Published
- Digital Marketing-BCU-MCOM-Second Sem-Himalaya Publishing House (one among three authors, total of three authors)
- Model Question Bank-BCU-BCOM-Second Sem-Eminent Publications (one among three authors, total of four authors)
- Participated in the one-day National Level Webinar on "Cyber Security" on 23-4-21 at G.T.N. Arts College.
- Participated in the National Webinar on "National Education Policy 2020" by Mr. Gowrisha, Deputy Director, CESS & Dr. Rajendra Kumar V Joshi, Senior Consultant, CESS on 24th April 2021.
- Participated in National level seminar on "Challenges of sustainable start-ups in India" organized by the Department of BBA on 28th April 2021 at KLE Society's Nijalingappa College.
- Participated in the National Webinar held on 30th April 2021 on “Impact of NEP 2020 on Quality parameter in Institutions of Higher Education" at Maniben Nanavati Women's College.
- Participated on the One Day National Seminar on "Safety and Health at work" on 28th April 2021 at RCASC.
- Participated in Seven days’ national level online FDP on theme Orientation on AQAR from 17-05-2021 to 23-05-2021.
- Participated in National Level Faculty Development program on the topic CRAFTING A RESERCH PAPER on 05/02/2022 organized by department of management HKBK degree college.
- Participated in the “One Day National Level Faculty Enrichment Programme “organized by ASPIRE - the Entrepreneurship and Incubation Cell on the topic “Why, What and How of Patents” held on 7th February, 2022.
- Participated in National Level Webinar on RESEARCH METHODOLOGY on 21/02/2022 organized by BARNS COLLEFE OF ARTS SCIENCE AND COMMERCE.
- Participated in International Faculty Development Programme on “COMBATING THE GLOBAL PANDEMIC THROUGH MOTIVATION USING LIFE SKILLS” organized by GSSJC-FDP board on 4th April 2022.
- Highly Effective Teacher Award on February 28, 2022 (Award presented by Education Connect+)
- Subject Matter Expert Panel Member for CHALOEXAM (an education start up co.)
- Question paper setter for the subject Financial Accounting for BBA, Bengaluru City University-2021
- Worked as a Resource person in three days’ state level Webinar on "Assessment of Companies under MAT sec 115JB" on 18th to 20th June 21 at Basaveshwar Commerce College, Bagalkot
- Worked as resource person in One Day Webinar on Human Resource-an asset to an organization on 08-06-2021 at Basaveshwar Commerce College Bagalkot
- Worked as Resource person on the topic "BUSINESS TAXATION" for one week from 2/8/21 to 7/8/21 at ASC Silver Valley Degree College Malleshwaram Bangalore
- Worked as Resource person for the "INCOME TAX" for 3 days from 25/8/21 to 27/8/21 at KLE college Rajajinagar Bangalore
- Worked as a Resource Person on the topic “Research Methodology and Review of Literature” on 18-03-2023 for Research Scholars of SJB College of Management Studies, Research Centre, Kengeri, Bangalore
- Email:
Department of Commerce, MSRCASC