Dr. Darsana Rajkumar - Department of English

Name: Dr. Darsana Rajkumar
Designation: HOD and Assistant Professor
Department: English
Qualification: M.A., M.Phil., PhD
Year of Joining: 2023
Work Experience: 11 years
Subject Specialisation: Indian Writing in English, Diasporic literature, Ecocriticism, Ecofeminism
- “Water in Indian Mythological Narratives: An Ecocritical Perspective”: published as part of the proceedings of “Go Green and Water Conservation,” a one-day national seminar organised by Government First Grade College, Bidadi on 6 April 2016.
- “Raja Rao's On the Ganga Ghat: An Ecofeminist Perspective”: published as part of the proceedings of a one-day multidisciplinary national seminar on “Environmental Ethics: Transcendental Path towards Sustainable Development,” conducted by Government First Grade College, Channapatna on 7 April 2017.
- “Ganga Images in Cinema through an Ecofeminist Lens”: published in The Investigator, an international refereed journal of multidisciplinary explorations (vol.3, no,3), September 2017.
- “Ganga as River, Woman, Goddess: An Ecofeminist Analysis of Commercial and Religious Exploitation”: published in the International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities, a peer-reviewed (refereed/scholarly), indexed and open journal (vol. 7, no. 8), Aug. 2019.
- Email:darsana_eng@msrcasc.edu.in
Department of English - M S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce
Bengaluru - 560054
Karnataka, India