- Qualification: MSc, PhD, PDF(USA)
- Department: Assistant Professor
- Designation: Department of Chemistry / Biochemistry
- Year of Experience: 9 Years
- Email ID: ankammachowdary1@gmail.com
Academic / Professional Achievements
PhD – Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Umea University, Sweden (2006-2010)
Thesis Title: The functional roles of the intra-oocyte phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) signalling in controlling follicular development in mice
- Post-doctoral Associate at Baylor college of Medicine, Houston, USA (2012-2014)
- Post-doctoral fellow at University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA (2010-2014)
As a Reviewer / Editor / Proof Reader
- Reviewer for Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology (2014 -till date)
- Proofreading and Editor for Research Journals (2016-2018)
- Associate Editor for Women’s Health Journal (2012-2014)
Research Scientist
- Research Scientist at Anna University, Chennai (2015-2016)
Research interests
Premature ovarian failure (POF) is a global problem that afflicts 1-4% of women under age 40, and genetics contributes significantly to POF. POF in vast majority of women is non-syndromic, i.e., only affects ovarian function. The search for genes critical for human ovarian failure is hampered by a lack of patients with fortuitous autosomal translocations, small families, and by relatively uninformative clinical phenotyping. To date, classical genetics, linkage, and association studies have not been useful tools to uncover the plethora of genes involved in ovarian failure. The main objectives are
- To find novel pathogenic genetic variants in Premature ovarian failure patients
- To identify whether genetic variants found by sequencing led to infertility in women
- Developing knock out Mouse Models
- Ren Y*, Suzuki H*, Jagarlamudi K*, Golnoski K, McGuire M, Lopes R, Pachnis V, Rajkovic A (2015) Lhx8 regulates primordial follicle activation and postnatal folliculogenesis. BMC Biology, PMID:26076587(* contributed equally).
- Jagarlamudi Kand Rajkovic A (2012). Oogenesis: transcriptional regulators and mouse models. Molecular and Cellular Biology 5;356(1-2):31-9. PMCID: 21856374
- Jagarlamudi K., Reddy P., Adhikari D and Liu K (2010) Genetically modified mouse models for premature ovarian failure (POF).Molecular and Cellular Biology 315(1-2):1-10.
- Jagarlamudi K.,Liu L., Reddy P., Adhikari D., Idahl A., Ottander U., Lundin E.,and Liu K (2009). Oocyte specific deletion ofPten in primordial/primary follicles in mice reveals a stage specific function of PTEN/PI3K signaling in oocytes in controlling follicular activation PLoS ONE, 4(7):e6186 PMCID: PMC2702689
- Reddy P., Liu L*., Adhikari D *., Jagarlamudi K*.,Rajareddy S*., Du C., Shen Y.,Hamalainen T., Peng SL., Lan ZJ., Cooney AJ., Huhtaniemi I., and Liu K (2008). Oocyte specificdeletion of Ptencauses premature ovarian failure as a result of activation of the entireprimordial follicle pool. Science, 319(5863):611-3 (* contributed equally).
- Rajareddy S., Reddy P., Du C., Liu L., Jagarlamudi K., Tang W.L., Shen Y., BerthetC.,Peng S.L., Kaldis P. and Liu K. (2007) p27kip1(Cdkn1b) controls ovarian development bysuppressing follicle endowment and activation, and by promoting follicle atresia in mice.Molecular Endocrinology, 21(9):2189-202
- Liu L*., Rajareddy S*., Reddy P*., Du C., Jagarlamudi K., Shen Y., Gunnarsson D., Selstam G., Boman K. and Liu K. (2007) Infertility caused by retardation of follicular development in mice with oocyte specific expression of Foxo3a. Development, 134 (1): 199-209.
- Liu L*., Rajareddy S*., Reddy P*., Jagarlamudi K., Du C., Shen Y., Guo Y., Boman K., Lundin E., Ottaander U., Selstam G. and Liu K. (2007) Phosphorylation and inactivation of glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) by soluble Kit Ligand (KL) in Mouse Oocytes during Early Follicular Development. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology. 38: 137-146. (* equal contribution)
- Liu K., Rajareddy S., Liu L., Jagarlamudi K.,Boman K., Selstam G., Reddy P (2006) Control of mammalian oocyte growth and early follicular development bythe oocyte PI3 kinase pathway: New roles for an old timer. Developmental Biology. 1; 299(1):1-11
Conferences / Seminars / Workshops / FDPs / Others - Attended
- Participated in webinar on Technological Advancements in Biological Sciences” which was organized by Department of Chemistry/Biochemistry, Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bengaluru, on 1st September, 2020
- Participated in Five days e-FDP on "Leading Research Trends in Biological Sciences" from 17th - 21st August, 2020, organized by Department of Chemistry/Biochemistry, Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bangaluru.
- Participated in National Webinar on “Spit free India movement” by Narayana Health from June to August 2020
- Participated in webinar titled “Molecular Etiology& Clinical Perspectives of SARS-CoVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak” on 20th July 2020 organized by Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bengaluru -54.
- Participated in International Webinar on “Trends in Biochemical Research” held on 3rd July, 2020 organized by Department of Biochemistry, Indian Academy Degree College, Bengaluru.
- Participated in online FDP on “Online Teaching during COVID-19 Pandemic” from 23rd to 27th June, 2020 organized by IQAC, Bengaluru.
- Participated in FDP on Science Leadership workshop organized by Central university of Punjab, Bathinda, India from 22-28 June, 2020.
- Participated in webinar on the world does spin but not around you” on 19th June 2020 organized by Msys Training.
- Participated in National Webinar series 2020 on “Immunity and infection: Biochemical approaches to therapies” from 15th -21st June 2020 conducted by Department of Biochemistry, Davangere University and Society of Biological Chemists.
- Participated in the Webinar on Microbial enzyme mediated carbon sequestration organized by Department of Biotechnology, Muthayammal College of Arts & Science, Rasipuram on 14-07-2020.
- Participated in National Webinar on “Community Services: COVID-19” by SRI YN College on 13th June 2020
- Participated in Webinar on “Community Services: COVID-19” by SRI YN College on 2nd June 2020.
- Participated in the webinar on “Hybrid Perovskites and Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells” by Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences on 29/05/2020.
- Participated in Webinar on 'Understanding Drug Development Process: Application To Discovery Of COVID19 Therapeutics' organized by Department of Chemistry, Indian Academy Degree College-Autonomous, Bangalore in collaboration with ELSEVIER on 15th May 2020.
- Participated in Faculty Development Programme on “Recent Trends in Biological and Environmental Sciences (RTBES)” jointly organized by Department of Chemistry and Physics, MSRIT held on 13th-18th January 2020.
- Participated in FDP- “E-Resource and Digital Content” held on 21st September, 2019 organized by Library and Information Center & IQAC, Bengaluru.
Affiliations and Honors
- Worked as a Member of editorial committee of 1st International conference on Life, Chemical and Health Sciences (ICLCHS)-2019 organized by Ramaiah college of Arts Science and Commerce from 24th – 26th October 2019.
- Recipient of 2010 VR postdoctoral training fellowship for 2 years from Sweden Research Agency (95000 USD)
- Recipient of 2007 KEMPE Foundation merit award, Sweden (5000 USD prize money)
- Recipient of 2008 KEMPE Foundation merit award, Sweden (3000 USD prize money)
Area of Specialization
Women Infertility
Reproductive genetics