Name: Dr. Rohini Bai S
Designation: Professor
Qualification: Ph.D, M.Phil, B.ED, Hindi Visharada, MA
Year of Joining: 1992
Work Experience: 31 Years
Kahani Sahitya of Dr. Virendra Saxena
- Dr. Veerendra saksena Ka Rachana Sansar-2021
- Adivasi Sahitya Samkalin chunowtiya-2021
- Multilingualism in Language and Literature-2022
- Third Gender Vimarsh Smakalin chunowtiya-2022
- Dr. Virendra Sexana ka Rachana Sansar Book Published. ISBN 978-81-952299-6-3, 2021.
- Rastriya Chethana Paper Publication. 161/June/2021 April. ISSN 29090.
- Rastriya Chethana Paper Publication. 06 June 2021.
- National Seminar/Webinar Paper Presented 21 Aug 2020, Shiksha, Samaj Avam Shanthi.
- State Level Online Webinar Presented a paper 4 June 2020. Abbas Khan College.
Kabir Das, Translations
- Hindi Aur Aadhunik Taknik Organized by Dept of Hindi Under the initiatives og IQAC. Kittel Arts college, Dharwad 31-8-2020.
- Samakalin Hindi Kavitha held on 12-7-2021 Organized by Department of Hindi, Shree Khasgatesh college of Arts, Commerce and Science, Belgavi.
- 25-7-2020 One day National Webinor Held by Dept of English. Fighting Shadow Pandemic. Organized by Ramaiah college of Arts Science and Commerce.
- 4-6-2020 Presented paper State Level online Seminar Organized by Department of Languages Abbas Khan college for Women.
- 29-6-2020,23-6-2020,24-6-2020 Participated in Three Days International Webinor. Mumbai University, Mumbai Madyakaleen Sahitya Ka Punarpat Aur Jambani Sahitya.
- Attended State Level Workshop 11 June 2020. Online Procedureto be followed for Admissions and Examination. Organized by Mahahrastra University.
- Garmeen Kestro me Covid 19 kr Karan Shiksha per Prabhav.11June 2020. Organized by St. Annes Degree College for Women.
- 13-6-2020 Attended The National Webinar Titled Covid-19 ki Mahamari me Galf (Kahani Aur upnayas)ka sansar,Lekhan ki Chunathiya.
- Organized by Department of Hindi. Bangalore University Co ordination with IQAC.
- 22-6-2020,23-6-2020-24-6-2020 Participated in Three Days International Webinor Bhartiya Bhasha Sahitya Avem Sanskrith ka Varthman Vaisvik Sahitya.
- Samakaleen Hindi Kavitha 12 July 2021. Shree Khasgatesh College, Talikoti.
- Bharathiya Santha Sahitya Aadunatan Aayam 17July 2021. Ranichennamma University Belagavi.
- Safety And Health at Work.28 April 2021. Ramaiah College.
- The Impact of Covid -19 on Future Technology. 29 May 2021. Department of Electronics. Ramaiah college of Arts, Sci and Commerce.
- Consciousness of Yogic Practice.26 June 2021. NCC, NSS & YRC Unit Organize Hindi Sahitya Aur Premchand. 31 July 2021.Shivayogi Murugendra Swamyi Athani.
- Munshi Premchand ka Gaoun. Bishop Cotton Womens Christian College. Bangalore.
- Consciousness of Yogic Practice. 26 June 2021.
- Basav Balga Maskat Vachana Samaj. Poland.26 Aug 2020.
- 10-7-2020 Webinar on Impact of Indian Culture on World Civilization special reference to Trinidad. Organized by Government Degree college. Zaheerbad.
- Kabir ki Prasangekatha 24 june 2021. Karnataka Hindi Prachar Samithi. Bangalore.
- Rastriya Rachanathamak Gow Sevan Mahabiyan 23 July 2021. Aakil Bharthiya Gurukul Avm Gowshall Sansthan, Delhi.
- Hindi ka Vaishavik Sandrab aur Shikshan.17 Sep 2020.
- Participated in One Day Webinar on “Consciousness on Yogic Practice” held on account of 7th International Yoga day on 26-6-2021.
- 18-7-2020 Attended FDP on Data Science. Conducted by Campus Technology.
- 2-7-2020 Participated in FDP Ramaiah college of Arts Science and Commerce.
- Faculty Development Program 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th May 2021. Enhancing Psychology Skills for Teaching/Learning Practice, Organized by Department of Indian Languages Association with the IQAC.
- Influence of New Education Policy on Quality Parameters 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th Nov 2020.
- Samasaamayik Hindi Sahitya Mein Jeevan Sangharsh 5th, 6th, 7th Aug 2020.
- Partcipated in Three Days National Level Faculty Development program Webinar on “ New National Education Policy 2020 “ Conducted by LVD College Raichur Association with IQAC . 24,25 and 26-9-2020.
- Attended one day Faculty Development Program on , “E-Resource and Digital Content” held on 21st Sep 2019.
- Attended National level seminar and presented a paper on the topic Mythili sharan Gupt may Nari on 7th & 8th 2014, conducted by Reva college of Science and Technology Attended National level Seminar Karnataka Mahila Hindi seva samiti Dr. Ramvilas Sharma ki Janma shatabdi on 1st Mar.2014.
- Attended an Orientation programme on “Tobacco cessation” organized by M.S.Ramaiah college of Dental Sciences on 19thFeb 2014.
- Attended seminar on “ Hindi sahityada gnana peeta puraskrutaru Ondu avalokana” Organized by Vidya vardhaka Mysore University padavi college on 29thAug 2013.
- Attended seminar on “ Hindi sahityada gnana peeta puraskrutaru Ondu avalokana” Organized by Vidya vardhaka Mysore University padavi college on 29thAug 2013.
- One day workshop at gigani yoga Kendra on 3rdSep 2012.
- Arsha dhara a national conference on 6th to 8th July 2012 at Gayana samaj Bangalore.
- Acharya nanda dularay vajapai ka Avadhan a national seminar on 27th Mar 2012.
- Hindi sahitya sammelan prayag , kanyakumari on 18th to 20th Mar 2012.
- 125th birth Anniversary of Sri Srinivasa Ramanujam international year for sustainable energy for all on 23rd & 24th Feb 2012.
- National seminar on Dharmveer Bharathi ka Rachana samsar organized by sent calret college on 16thsep 2011 Hindi naatak ek Avalokan a National seminar on 6th July 2011.
- Hindi ekanki natak kannada anuvad camp from 10th to 12th Feb 2011.
- Shri Harivams rai bachhan ka sahitik avadhan ek moulyankan on 9th & 10th feb 2009.
- One day programme Bridging the crap break through on 27th jan 2009.
- Training in yoga and allied branches under the guidance of M.S.Sumit Seth and Dr. Saraswathi Hegde ( H.O.D. Pranic healing) from 18th to 29th Aug 2008.
- Hindi kannada Translation Course on 4th to 8th Feb 2008.
- Field Training to understand the dynamics of Ecosystem in bio-diversity park Jnanabharathi campus Bangalore on 26th Sep 2007.
- Training programme on students counseling on 1st and 2nd Mar 2004.
- National seminar on ‘Samakaleen hindi katha sahitya’ on 15th April 2002
Active Role In College
- Deputed as a Principal , M S Ramaiah Pre University College from 2015-2019.
- Organised one day Excursion Bangalore round for north Indian students 2013.
- Chair person for cultural sports committee 2003-2005.
- Organized Bhagirathi cinema for Non Hindi students.
- BU and BCU Chief of Examiner.
- Karnataka Excellence Awarda, No-161718329965 by Government of India. 2021.
- Yoga Sahitya Siromani, Aakila Bharatiya Gurukul Goshal Anusanhan Sanstan 2021.
- Email: rohini_lang@msrcasc.edu.in
Department of Indian Languages
MS Ramaiah College of Arts Science and Commerce
Bangalore 560054, India