Event Name:   Fundamentals of Equal Opportunity
Date of the Event:   29/05/2023
Event Co-ordinator    Kruthi V P
Number of Faculty Attended:  104
Objective:  Understanding equality, awareness of discrimination, recognizing privileges, inclusivity

Equal Opportunity Cell of M S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce organized a guest lecture on ‘Fundamentals of Equal Opportunity’ on 29th March 2023 from 10.45 AM to 12:30PM.This cell has been set up in our college to address issues of gender equality and gender related discrimination. It's aimed at rating a conducive atmosphere for the growth of health, interpersonal relation among the students coming from various social backgrounds.

The guest lecture was presented by speaker Dr. Anita Patil Associate Professor of Law & coordinator, Center for Women & Child Welfare Policy, Ramaiah College of Law. She has pursued her doctorate degree from the National Law school of India University, Bengaluru. She has actively contributed to policy-making for the consumer protection Act, 2019, at the ministry of consumer affairs, Government of India, New Delhi. She is the coordinator of the center for women and children welfare policy and IQAC of Ramaiah college of Law. She has done tremendous work in her life.

This session was a huge success. This event aimed to help students understand about gender equality. Dr.Anita Patil spoke about gender equality, women rights, discrimination and sexual harrasment of women etc. She spoke very well about these issues by explaining legal provisions of the constitution. She also spoke about ICC-Internal complaint committee, which has to be created or set up in every Schools, colleges, working places and about NCW- National commission for women, Daughter's right in Coparcenary property etc.

Outcome:  The seminar was interactive, interesting and while enjoying their rights, helpful in promoting personal growth and empathy among individuals