Ms. Aradhana Agarwal

Name: Ms. Aradhana Agarwal
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Management Studies - MBA
Qualification: MBA, UGC Net (Management), Ph.D
Work Experience: 13 years
Journal Publications:
Exploring Employee Engagement and Psychological Well-being in a virtual workspace,” published in the Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences. Available at:
An Explorative Study on HRM Based Innovation During the Course of Recruitment” Availableat:
Publication of Text Book entitled “Principles of Management” at Scientific International Publishing House(SIPH) : ISBN NO: 978-93-5757-103-6
Conference Presentations:
- “Presented a paper at 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering Technology and Management organized by Christ Engineering College in collaboration with Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan, May 2023.