Name: Ms. R Srividya
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: MCA
Year of Joining: 1/1/2016
Work Experience: 18 Years
- Presented and published a research paper titled IMPACT OF BIG DATA AND SOCIAL MEDIA ON THE SOCIETY in the national conference on “EMERGING TRENDS IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY “organized by the department of science & computer applications held at INDO ASIAN ACADEMY DEGREE COLLEGE on Wednesday, the 15th March 2017.
- Published the paper entitled “Radio Frequency Identification Based Attendance Management System” published in SHANLAX INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARTS, SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES UGC Approval No: 43960.
- Presented and published a paper titled” Ayurveda: The root of all medicine” in 10th National Women’s Science Congress on 6th & 7th November 2017 held at M S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Bangalore.
- Presented and published a paper titled “Blue Eyes Technology-Human Emotion Sensor” in one-day national conference “THE EMERGENCE OF START-UP ECO-SYSTEM IN INDIA-New ways to engage Millennials and wealth Creations”, held on 30th April 2019 with KAAV Publications(NJACSRR)with impact factor:6.0877, ISSN:2394-4870, Volume-06, at INDO ASIAN ACADEMY GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS.
- Presented a paper titled “Artificial Intelligence in Hospitals” in one-day national conference “THE EMERGENCE OF START-UP ECO-SYSTEM IN INDIA-New ways to engage millennials and wealth creations”, held on 30th April 2019 with KAAV Publications(NJACSRR)with impact factor:6.0877, ISSN:2394-4870, Volume-06, at INDO ASIAN ACADEMY GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS.
- Presented a paper on “Own Cloud Storage System” at international Conference on “innovative Computing Technologies & Applications (ICICTA 2020) on 5th and 6th March 2020 organized by Reva University, Bangalore.
- Presented a paper on “Smart Driving System” in Two Days National E-Conference on “Multidisciplinary Science Education and Research using Etool (MSERE-2020)” held on 29th & 30th July 2020 organized by Department of Electronics & IQAC in association with Campus. Technology, MSRCASC, B’lore-54.
- Published a model papers in “Digital Fluency” according to NEP syllabus, Bengaluru City University for the academic year 2022-23
- C, C++, DBMS, DS, OS, Unix, Java, CA, WP, CN, DF, CAIT
- Guided V & VI SEM academic projects of BCA.
- Participated in national level web conference on creating sustainable organizations through functional strategies on 24/6/2020 organized by Christ Academy, Bangalore.
- Participated in Online International Conference on Multidisplinary Innovations in Science and Technology on 18th & 19th September 2020 organized by Oxford College, Bangalore.
- Participated in Two Days National E-Conference on “Multidisciplinary Science Education and Research using Etool(MSERE-2020)” held on 29th & 30th July 2020 organized by Department of Electronics & IQAC in association with Campus. Technology, Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bengaluru -54.
- Participated in International Conference on “COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND COMMUNICATION” on 15th March 2019 at Presidency College, Bangalore-24.
- Participated in the National conference on “Research, Consultancy and Innovation in Higher Educational Institutions- Issues and Challenges” organized by the IQAC of MSRCASC on 5th April 2016.
- Participated in 1-week international virtual workshop on “Research Paradigms” organized by Research & Development cell, St Francis College, Koramongala, Bengaluru from 3/5/21 to 8/5/21.
- Participated in 3 days’ workshop on “NAAC Assessment & Accreditation: A step Process” from 28/5/2020 to 30/5/2020 organized by GATES Institute of Technology, Ananthapuram, Andhra Pradesh.
- Participated in workshop on “Experimental Teaching & Learning Methodologies in Technology” on 26/9/2019 at Noble Group of Institutions, Bangalore.
- Participated in 3rd National Seminar on “New Methodology of Assessment and Accreditation by NAAC-Issues and Challenges” on 11th April 2019 at M S Ramaiah college of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bangalore.
- Participated in One Day National E-Seminar on the topic “IMPACT OF COVID-19 IN EDUCATION SECTOR” on 04th.June.2020 organized by language department, MSRCASC, B’lore-54.
- Participated in National Seminar on “Health for all through Ayurveda - The Science of Life” which was organized on World Health Day by Department of Chemistry/Biochemistry, Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bengaluru, on 7th April, 2021.
- Participated in One Day National Seminar on held on 28th April, 2021 on “Safety and Health at Work”.
- Participated in one-day national level webinar on “impact of covid-19 Empowering young lives mental health awareness” on 26/6/2020 organized by HKE, Bangalore
- Participated in online webinar on “Data Science using Python” on 24/6/2020 organized by SAMS, Bangalore.
- Participated in one-day national level webinar on “Predictive Analytics and Data Modelling on COVID-19 Crisis using Redefined Control Measures” on 17/6/2020 organized by Sindhi College, Bangalore.
- Participated in one-day national level webinar on “Road Map to Academic Research and Hidden Opportunities” on 15/6/2020 by St. Xavier’s College, Tamilnadu.
- Participated in one-day national level webinar on “Privacy and Security in Social Networks” on 13/6/2020 organized by St. Francis College, Bangalore.
- Participated in one-day national level webinar on “Cyber Security: Recent trends, challenges and Research opportunities” on 11/6/2020 organized by Sheshadripuram College, Bangalore.
- Participated in E-seminar on “Impact of Covid-19 in Education Sector” on 4/6/2020 organized by Language department, RCASC.
- Participated in one-day webinar on “Exponential Technologies Transforming IT industry” on 30/5/2020 by Baldwin Women’s Methodist College, Bangalore.
- Participated in one-day national level webinar on “Managing your Finances & Investments During COVID 19” on 28/5/2020 organized by RCASC in collaboration with Fin mark.
- Participated in 2-day webinar on “DNS Security” from 21/5/2020 to 22/5/2020 organized by C-DAC, Bangalore.
- Participated in 1-day webinar on “Fighting Shadow Pandemic” from 25/7/2020 organized by Department of English, RCASC, Bangalore.
- Participated in 1-day webinar on “Establishing a Nexus Among IPR - Pedagogy - Competition” organized by Centre for Post Graduate Studies, Sindhi College, Hebbal, Bengaluru on 29th August, 2020.
- Participated in 1-day webinar on “Cloud Data Analytics” organized by School of Computer Science, SAMS, Bangalore on November 26, 2020.
- Participated in 1-day webinar on “Get Carrer Ready: Post covid -19 on 17 to 19th June 2020 by RCASC.
- Participated in 1-day webinar on “Emerging Technologies in IT” on July 13, 2020, RBANM’s FGC, Bangalore.
- Participated in 1-day webinar on “Data Analytics” on 29th July 2020 Organized by KLE college, Bangalore.
- Participated in 1-day webinar on “Data Centre” 30th July 2020 Organized by KLE college, Bangalore.
- Participated in 5 Day webinar Series on “EXPLORING ICT INITIATIVES IN HIGHER EDUCATION” organized by The National College, Jayanagar Bangalore from 13/7/20 to 17/7/2020.
- Participated in International Level Webinar on “Establishing a Nexus Among IPR - Pedagogy - Competition” organized by Centre for Post Graduate Studies, Sindhi College, Hebbal, Bengaluru on 29/8/2020.
- Participated in the Webinar held on 26/11/2020 on “Cloud Data Analytics” organized by SAMS, Bengaluru.
- Participated in a National webinar on “Impact of Artificial Intelligence on life of Common Man” Organized by SRN Adarsha College, Bengaluru from 8/4/21 to 9/4/2021.
- Participated in a webinar on “The Impact of COVID-19 on Future Technology” held on 29th May 2021 organized by Department of Electronics, RCASC.
- Participated in a National webinar on “Roadmap for Quality Audit” Organized by IQAC, SRN Adarsha College, Bengaluru on 5/3/2021.
- Participated in a National webinar on “Be Smart: Stress Management through Art” on 13/2/2021 organized by Women Cell, RCASC.
- Participated in a National webinar on “Nutrition and Women Health” on 13/9/2021.
- Participated in a National webinar on “Research Trends in Emerging Technologies” organized by MLAC on 4/8/2021.
- Participated in a National webinar on “An insight into Deep Learning in AI” organized by Vijaya College on 8/7/2021
- Participated in Faculty development programme on “Choice Based Challenges in Profession and Personal Life” held on 22nd February 2017 organized by S.E.T Degree College, Bangalore.
- Participated in the State Level Faculty Development programme on “Image Processing – MATLAB “held on 3rd & 4th February 2017 held by M S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science & Commerce.
- Attended Faculty Development Programme on “Meditation for Work Life Balance” conducted on 14th,15thand 16th of September 2017 at M S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Bangalore.
- Attended in Faculty Development Programme on “PRERANA- Journey from teacher to Guru”, on 20/7/18 at Ramaiah college of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bangalore.
- Participated in Faculty Development Programme on “DATA NALYTICS Using R” held on 28/9/18 and 29/9/18 at Ramaiah college of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bangalore.
- Participated in one-day faculty development program on “E-Resource and Digital content” on 21/9/2019 organized by RCASC, Bangalore.
- Participated in one-day faculty development program on “Artificial Intelligence: A Way Forward” on 19/9/2019 organized by Dayananda Sagar College, Bangalore.
- Participated in national level online FDP on “Art of influencing students in online classes” on 25/6/2020 organized by Nagarjuna College of Management of Studies, Bangalore.
- Participated in 6 days international online FDP on “Technology and Emotional Enrichment” from 22/6/2020 to 28/6/2020 organized by St. Xavier’s College, Tamilnadu.
- Participated in national level online FDP on “Adoption of Online platform for Practical Based Subjects” on 24/6/2020 organized by RIBS, Bangalore.
- Participated in national one week eFDP on “Analytics in Business & Research using JMP Statistical Discovery” from 12/6/2020 to 17/6/2020 organized by Aditya Institute of Management Studies & Research, Bangalore.
- Participated in one day online FDP on “Current Trends and Techniques in Artificial Intelligence” on 11/6/2020 organized by Jnana Jyothi Degree College, Bangalore.
- Participated in 5-day national level online FDP on “Perl Scripting” from 10/6/2020 to 14/6/2020 organized by Lords institute of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad in association with IIT Bombay.
- Participated in one day online FDP on “Innovations in Digital Education with Technology” on 29/5/2020 organized by GFGC, Vijayanagar, Bangalore.
- Participated in 3-days faculty development program on “Research Methodology and Use of Software Tools” organized by KLE college on 21, 22 & 23 July 2020.
- Participated in 4-days faculty development program on “Latex & Xfig, Moodle Learning Management System & Python Programming” held from 30th June 2020 to 3rd July 2020 organized by SFGC in association with IIT BOMBAY Spoken Tutorial.
- Attended online Faculty Development Programme on "Inspiring Innovation by deploying Design Thinking", conducted by Department of Commerce and Management, New Horizon College, Marathalli held on 14/7/2020.
- Participated in 1-day faculty development program on “Didactics for online teaching” on 2nd July 2020 organized by MBA, RCASC.
- Attended the National Level Faculty Development Program on "Data Science with Python" organized by the Department of Computer Applications – MCA, Dayananda Sagar College on 28-January-2021.
- Participated in 7-day faculty development program on “Orientation on AQAR 2020-21 from 17-5-21 to 23-5-21 organized by IQAC, RCASC.
- Participated in 5-Day Faculty Development Program on “Enhancing Psychological Skills for Teaching/Learning and Practice”. held from 03rd to 07th May 2021 organized by department of Languages in association with IQAC, MSRCASC.
- Participated in 6-day virtual National level FDP on NEP conducted from 24th to 29th May 2021organized by Dr. NSAM First grade college, Bengaluru.
- Successfully completed the Six Days Short Term Training Programme on “High Intense Course on Machine Learning with MATLAB”, sponsored by AICTE, organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Vel Tech High Tech Dr. Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College, AVADI, Chennai, Tamilnadu from 07th December to 12th December 2020.
- Successfully completed the Six Days Short Term Training Programme on “High Intense Course on Machine Learning with MATLAB”, sponsored by AICTE, organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Vel Tech High Tech Dr. Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College, AVADI, Chennai, Tamilnadu from 23rd November to 1st December 2020.
- Participated and Obtained Passing Grades in “AICTE Sponsored One Week Short Term Training Program (STTP) Phase IV on Machine Learning with Python in Data Science - Applications and Research Perspectives” on 05th to 11th November, 2020 organized by Department of Information Technology, SRM Institute of Science and Technology.
- Completed the Short Term Live Online Training on Deep Learning Using Python conducted by Apptronix Technologies in collaboration with Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology - Hyderabad from 3rd August 2020 to 7th August 2020.
- BOE for Kristu Jayanthi (Autonomous College) for the academic year 2016-17
- Paper Setter for Bangalore City University
- Paper Setter for Bangalore University before trifurcation
- Paper Setter for autonomous Colleges like Kristu Jayanthi for BCA and BSc, Reva for BCA
- Resource person for an Alpha webinar held at Garden City University
- Resource Person for Advanced Excel for the students of all streams of M S Ramaiah college of Arts, Science and Commerce
- Resource person for Advanced Excel for Non- Teaching staff of M S Ramaiah college of Arts, Science and Commerce
- Paper setter, Reviewer, valuer
- Email:
Department of Computer Science
MS Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce
Bangalore 560054, India