Name: Ms. Shilpa Nayak
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Sc in Computer Science
Year of Joining: 2021
Work Experience: 12.5 Years
Internet of Things, Machine Learning – Data Science
- Paper published titled “A Peek into Big Data, Applications and Challenges” in Research Chronicler, International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, October 2018.
- Presented and published research paper titled “The Building Blocks of IoT and Applications: An Overview”, A multi-disiplinary International Conference on Innovative and creative strategies for sustainable growth on 16th oct, 2018 at New Horizon College.
- Presented and published research paper titled “Intricate Study on Pothole Detection Technology for Two Wheelers Using IoT”, International Journal oof Research in Electronics and Computer Engineering(IJRECE), ISSN: 2393-9028(PRINT) 15th Mar, 2019 at Presidency College.
- Published research paper titled “Integrated Approach for Solid Waste Management Using IoT”, National Journal of Arts, Commerce and Scientific Research Review (NJACSRR), on 30th Apr, 2019 at Indo-Asian Academy Degree College.
- Presented and published research paper titled “Smart Street Light Control System through Solar Energy Harvesting”, International Journal of Business Management and Information Technology, on 15th oct, 2019 at New Horizon College.
- Presented and published research paper titled “A deep dive into the challenges faced in the faster delivery of products by the small and medium IT firms in Bengaluru”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, on 3rd June, 2021 at Presidency college.
- Published a book titled “Python Programming” for Subhash Publications as per NEP 2021 syllabus, Bengaluru City University
- Presented and published a paper titled “Wheelchair Stimulated by Tongue using Arduino and Hall Effect Sensors” in Web of Sciences - Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Issue 76 / February / 2023
- C, C++, DBMS, JAVA Programming, Theory of Computation, Python Programming, Software Engineering, Operating System, Unix Shell Programming, Microprocessor 8085, E-Commerce.
- Attended National level workshop on LAMP Technology in April 2012 at AIMIT, St. Aloysius College, (Autonomous), Beeri, Mangalore.
- Attended a Faculty Development Programme on Research Methodologies in 2016 at Teachers? Academy Degree College, Hennur, Bangalore.
- Attended a one-day workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning on 18th Feb, 2019 at Indo-Asian Academy College, Bangalore.
- Attended Two Days Workshop on “Python Data Science – A complete hands-on approach” on 2nd and 3rd august, 2019 at New Horizon Degree College, Kasturinagar.
- Attended a webinar series on "Satellite and Automation" conducted during May 11 - 13, 2020, organized by GSSSIETW IEEE Student Branch in association with IEEE Bangalore Section and CAS Bangalore chapter.
- Attended a webinar on "Digital Marketing - Quintessential Social Media Skills Required for Business Students" held on May 29, 2020, organized by Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior.
- Attended a 5- day career course on "Data Science" conducted during June 8 - 12, 2020, Loyala College, Chennai.
- Attended a webinar titled “An overview: Software’s and Tools for Research” held on 6th July, 2020 at Presidency College.
- Attended an Online Faculty Development Programme on "LEVERAGING DATA SCIENCE TO UNLEASH ECONOMIC GROWTH - A CONSERVATIVE AND ASPIRATIONAL FORECAST", conducted by Department of BCA, New Horizon College, Marathalli held on 8/7/2020.
- Attended one-day National Level Webinar titled “Introduction to Data Visualisation and its Tools” held on 3rd August, 2020 organised by Nallamuthu Gounder Mahalingam College, Tamilnadu.
- Attended an Online Faculty Development Programme on "Latest Trends in Teaching Methodology", organised by Sambhram College of Hotel Management, K.G.F held on 21st April 2021.
- Attended a webinar on “Medical Data Analysis using AI without coding” organized by the Science Forum, Government First Grade College, Malur on May 13, 2021.
- Attended a 3-day national level Faculty Development Programme on “Role of Faculty in Moulding students” held on 24th, 25th, and 26th May 2021 at HKBK Degree College, Bangalore.
- Attended a webinar on “Artificial Intelligence in Construction Industry” organized by Dept., of Civil Engineering, Sona College of Technology, Salem in association with the IE(I) Student’s chapter held on 3rd Sept, 2021.
- Attended a webinar on “A Beginners Guide on Writing a Research Paper” organized by RBANM’s First Grade Evening College, Bangalore on 7th Sept, 2021.
- Attended a national webinar on “Nutrition and Women Health” organized by the M S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bangalore on 13th Sept, 2021.
- Attended a 3-day National Level Faculty Development Programme on “Cloud Computing – New Paradigms” conducted by Center of Excellence in Cloud Computing – Department of Computer Applications, Dayananda Sagar College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bangalore during 23rd – 25th Sept, 2021.
- Attended a 7-days International workshop on Artificial Intelligence(AI) organised by St.Claret College, Bangalore between 15th Nov to 21st Nov, 2021.
- Attended 6-days FDP on “Different Framework for Holistic Education” organised by Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce and Swadeshi Vijnana Andolana – Karnataka from 27th Dec, 2021 to 1st Jan, 2022.
- Attended the National Level Five Day Virtual Faculty Development Program on “Recent Trends – 2022” from 21st March to 25th March 2022 conducted by the Department of Computer Science, M S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bengaluru.
- Participated in 5-day Online Symposium on “Emerging Tools-IBM Cloud, Design Thinking, Block Chain, Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security” from 28th March, 2022 – 1st April, 2022 organised by Dr.Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bengaluru in collaboration with IBM India Pvt. Ltd.
- Question paper setter for Bangalore University ,Bengaluru City University For BCA.
- Question paper setter for Autonomous colleges Kristu Jayanthi,,Presidency College College
- Email:
Department of Computer Science
MS Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce
Bangalore 560054, India