Name: Mrs. Soumya Satyanand Shanbhag
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: MSc Microbiology, SET, (Ph.D) VTU
Year of Joining: 2016
Work Experience: 16 Years
Bioremediation is an emerging technology in the fundamental research for managing diverse environmental problems. Research in this area gives the opportunity to conduct extended research into microscopic organisms for the purpose of bioremediation which will identify the gaps in the knowledge and discover new methods.
- Narasimhamurthy Konappa, Nirmaladevi Dhamodaran, Soumya Satyanand Shanbhag et al. Trichoderma: a potential biopesticide for sustainable management of wilt disease of crops. Biopesticides, 2, 261-275, 2022 ( IF- )ISBN: 978-0-12-823355-9
- Soumya Shanbhag, Ashok Bankar. (2017). Banana peel waste as media ingredient for fungal growth and potential adsorbent for sequestering Cr (VI) ions. Lilavati-10, 274-278. ISSN-2250-3978
In house projects for MSc students
- Guided 4 students for MSc Project (2021-22) on “Bioremediation of Lead And Cadmium Using Indigenous Fungi Isolated From Lake Water”
- Guided 4 students for MSc Project (2020-21) on “Determination of Bio-Sorption Potential of Microorganisms Against Heavy Metal Lead”
- Guided 3 students for MSc Project (2019-20) on “Efficacy of Microorganisms in the Bioremediation of Lead in Polluted Lake water”
- Guided B.Sc microbiology students for a mini project on a topic “Dye degradation by the microorganism isolated from industrial effluent”
- General Microbiology
- Microbial Physiology and Genetics
- Molecular Biology
- Recombinant DNA Technology
- Industrial Microbiology
- Microbial Technology
- Enzymology
- Microbial and Biochemical Techniques
- Medical Microbiology
- “Determination of Bio-Sorption Potential of Microorganisms Against Heavy Metal Lead” Soumya S Shanbhag, Ahalya Naidu, Anuradha N, Chandana D, Sindhu M Gaikwad, Nithya Shree S, Sravanti Vaidya, Nirmala Devi D at 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering Sciences, RIT-2022 on 13th and 14th October 2022.
- “Efficacy of Microorganisms in the Bioremediation of Lead in Polluted Lake Water” Soumya S Shanbhag, Aalia Afreen, Chaitra Jagannathrao, Shayan Debnath, Sravanti Vaidya, Ahalya Naidu, at AICTE sponsored E-conference on Recent Trends and Technologies in Biotechnology and Allied Sciences, organized by Department of Biotechnology, MSRIT, Bangalore on 5th to 7th November 2020
- Bioremediation of malachite green by fungi. Soumya S Shanbhag, Akalya G, Harshitha, Suchith C.M, Shalini presented at 1st International conference on Life, Chemical and Health Sciences (ICLCHS) organized by RCASC in collaboration with Karnataka Science and Technology (KSTA), Department of IT,BT and Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka on 24th to 26th October 2019 at Bangalore.
- Applications of Nanomaterials for Heavy metal remediation- A mini review. Soumya S Shanbhag, Sravanti Vaidya, Ahalya Naidu presented at 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in engineering Sciences" (ICRAES-2018) on 26th and 27th of September 2018 at MSRIT, Bangalore.)
- Banana peel waste as media ingredient for fungal growth and potential adsorbent for sequestering Cr(VI) ions. Soumya S Shanbhag, Ashok Bankar Presented at National Women's Science Congress organized by Ramaiah College of arts, science and commerce titled "" and awarded for Best Paper Presentation on 6th and 7th of November 2017.
- Resource person for Value Added Program (Workshop) on “Techniques in Molecular Biology and RDT” organized by Department of Microbiology, from 18th to 21 July 2022 at Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bangalore.
- Resource Person for GCU ALFA WEBINAR at Garden City University on the topic of “Gene Cloning Vector pUC 18/19” on 21st August 2020.
- Resource person for Add on program (Workshop) on “Basic Tools in Bacterial Genomics” organized by Department of Microbiology, on 4th and 6th of March 2020, at Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bangalore.
- Resource Person for Add-On Program organized by department of Microbiology, RCASC on Analytical Techniques in Bacterial Proteomics on 5th and 6th March 2019.
- Resource Person for Add-On Program organized by department of Microbiology, RCASC on “Basic tools in Bacterial Genomics” on 16/8/2017-17/8/2017.
- Participated in Online Inter-Disciplinary Two-Week Refresher Course on “ Managing Online Classes and Co-Creating MOOCs 12.0” organized by Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) in association with PMMMNMTT Ramanujan college, University of Delhi on 7th to 21st March 2022.
- Participated in Two Days International Conference Proceeding on “Life Science” organized by International Journal of Microbial Science (, India on 1st and 2nd March 2021.
- Participated in 5 Days National Level Faculty Development Program on “Computational Biology” organized by School of Computer Science and Engineering, Reva University, Bangalore from 1st to 5th February 2021.
- Participated in the National Workshop on “Best Practices in SSR Preparation, with special reference to revised NAAC framework” organized by Padmashree Institute of Management and Science, Bengaluru, on 20th January 2021.
- Participated in the Training of Trainer’s (ToT), National e-Workshop on “Bioinformatics” organized under DBT star college scheme by St. Ann’s College for Women (Autonomous) in collaboration with Triton Biosolutions and Innobiome Technologies, Hyderabad on 7th to 22nd November 2020.
- Attended 7 days National Online workshop on “Applied life-sciences” organized by Nizam college (Autonomous), Osmania University, Hyderabad on 24th July to 30th July 2020.
- Attended two weeks Workshop on “From e-Learning to e-Training: A Comprehensive Guide for all your Administrative Work” organized by Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) in association with PMMMNMTT Ramanujan college, University of Delhi on 25th May to 5th June 2020
- Received Best Teacher Award on Teachers day 2015 organized by Om Sri Narayana Charitable Foundation®
- Received Best Teacher Award on Teachers day 2015 organized by Om Sri Narayana Charitable Foundation®
- Email:
Department of Microbiology
M.S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce
Bangalore - 560054, India - Office: 080-23608597