Ramesha, N. - BCA

Name:Dr. Ramesha, N.
Designation: Professor
Qualification:M.Sc., Ph.D., Poste Rouge Fellow (France), CNRS PDF (France): PDF (IISc, Bengaluru)
Year of Joining: 2023
Work Experience:More than 35 years
Production, characterization, purification and study of enzymatic conversion of Microbial Biosurfactants in the biodechlorination of hexachlorocyclohexane
Medical Biotechnology Enzyme catalysis for the production of chiral molecules used in the production of drug molecules
Development of Immuno-diagnostic devices for the detection of infectious agents Recombinant DNA technology for the production recombinant proteins Industrial biotechnology leading to the Technology Development for industrialization
- Natarajan, R., Azerad, R., Badet, B., Copin, E., 2005 Microbial cleavage of C-F bond, J. of Fluroine Chemistry, 126(4), 425-436 (93 Citations)
- Ramesha N and Karanth NGK 1999 Isomerization of non-insecticidal alpha-HCH into insecticidal gamma-HCH by Pseudomonas Ptm+ strain, Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 53, 120 (3 Citations)
- Ramesha N and Karanth NGK 1995 Enzymatic dehalogenation of alpha HCH in Pseudomonas Ptm+ strain. In Pesticides, Crop Protection and Environment (Ed S. Walia), Oxford & IBH Publishers, New Delhi (0 Citations)
- Karanth NGK, Sharada K, Ramesha N, Bhat SG and Gurudutt KN 1993 HPLC method for simultaneous determination of insecticide bromophos and its metabolites. Crop Res., 6, 102 (0 Citations)
- Doris, M.S., Ramesha, N. and Karanth, N.G.K. (1990). Insecticide contamination in groundnuts and biological methods for residue cleaning. Proceedings of National Seminar on Advances in Seed Science and Technology, Mysore, India. 369-379 (5 Citations)
1. Indo-Swiss collaborative project in Biotechnology (ISCB),
- Role: Principal Investigator
- Grant amount: Rs. 70.00 Lakhs
- Funding agency: SDC, Switzerland and DBT, New Delhi, India, 2000-2001
- Project Name: Microbial Products for bioremediation of Organochlorine compounds Collaborating Institutes: 3 Indian Institutes and 2 Swiss Institutes
2. Industrial Project
- Role: Principal Investigator
- Funding agency: Unichem Laboraories Ltd., Goa
- Project Name: Development of Enzymatic method for the conversion of prositabgliptin to sitagliptin for industrial production
- Collaborating Departments: Molecular Biology, Pilot Plant, Chemistry Department;
- Collaborating Research Centre: Centre for Excellence (including Chemistry Department, Analytical Department, Formulation Development, Regulatory, IPR, etc) and Department of Biological Sciences
- Outcome: Industrial viable process developed for the company; one process patent application is filed and under processing to this work
3. Industrial Project
- Role: Principal Investigator
- Funding agency: Unichem Laboraories Ltd., Goa
- Project Name: Development of industrial process for enzymatic conversion of 3-quinuclidinone to (R) – 3- quinuclidinol.
- Collaborating Departments: Molecular Biology, Analytical department, Pilot Plant,
- Collaborating Research Centre: Centre for Excellence (including Chemistry Department, Analytical Department, Formulation Development, Regulatory, IPR, etc) and Department of Biological Sciences
- Outcome: Industrial viable process developed for the company; one process patent is grand to this work
4. Project name: Development of Deflurorinase enzyme producing defluorination of perfluorinated organic compounds
- Role: Project Associate as Post Doctoral Fellow
- Funding Agency: Centre Nationale Recherche Scientifique, Paris, France
- Outcome: Project aborted
5. Project name: Development of microorganisms for the biodegradation of organic compounds
- Role: Principal Investigator
- Funding Agency: Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi
- Grant amount: Rs. 2.00 Lakhs
- Outcome: Microrganisms for degradation of organochlorine compounds were successfully developed. These organisms were later used in subsequent project funding
6. Indo-Australian Research Project, Project member
- Project Name: Development of ELISA based technique for the detection of pesticides
- Funding Agency: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Sydney
7. Development of recombinant glycoprotein hormones using microbial expression system at Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
- Role: Postdoctoral Fellow
- Funding Agency: Department of Biotechnology (DBT), New Delhi
- Outcome: Fermentation facility and downstream processing were set up for the project
8. Development of recombinant insulin using yeast Pichia pastoris expression system at Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
- Role: Project Associate
- Funding Agency:Unichem Laboratories Ltd., Ahmedabad, New Delhi
9. Development of recombinant insulin using yeast Pichia pastoris expression system at Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
- 1. Microbial Products for bioremediation of Organochlorine compounds Funding agency: SDC, Switzerland and DBT, New Delhi, India, 2000-2001 Collaborating Institutes: 3 Indian Institutes and 2 Swiss Institutes
- 2. Development of Enzymatic method for the conversion of prositabgliptin to sitagliptin for industrial production - Industrial Project
- 3. Development of industrial process for enzymatic conversion of 3-quinuclidinone to (R) – 3- quinuclidinol. Industrial project
- 4. Development of Deflurorinase enzyme producing defluorination of perfluorinated organic compounds
- 5. Development of microorganisms for the biodegradation of organic compounds
- 6. Development of recombinant glycoprotein hormones using microbial expression system at Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
- 7. Development of recombinant insulin using yeast Pichia pastoris expression system at Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
- Medical Biotechnology
- Industrial Biotechnology,
- Enzymology
- Development of Biotechnological Process and Technology Transfer
- Immunodiagnostics devices
Conference Papers:
- 1. Natarajan R., Badet B. and Azerad R. (2004) Microbial Cleavage of Carbon-Fluorine bond in Perfluorinated Organic Compounds, RECOB-10 (Rencontres de Chimie Organique Biologique) conference to be held during 21-25th March 2004 at Centre Paul Langevin, D’Aussois (Savoie), France
- 2. L. Bailly-Chouriberry, P. Decottignies, R. Natarajan, R. Azerad, B. Badet et P. Le Maréchal (2004) Recherche de protéines impliquées dans la coupure de la liaison Carbone-Fluor par une approche protéomique, RECOB-10 (Rencontres de Chimie Organique Biologique) conference to be held during 21-25th March 2004 at Centre Paul Langevin, D’Aussois (Savoie), France
- 3. Ramesha, N., Badet, B. & Azerad, R. (2002). Preliminary studies on the microbial C-F bond cleavage. Colloque Aannuel du Club Bioconversions en Synthese Organique, Aillon le Jeune (savoie), France, Abstr. A9, p. 29
- 4. Holliger, C., Jain, R.K., Rup Lal, Ramesha, N. and van der Meer, J.R. (2001). Bioremediation of pesticide-contaminated soils and its effect on soil functionality. Indo-Swiss Collaboration in Biotechnology, Inaugural Symposium, New Delhi.
- 5. Ramesha, N. and Lal, B. (2001). Crude oil dispersing thermotolerant-biosurfactant produced by thermophilic bacterium, Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologists of India, Jaipur, India. pp. 92
- 6. Ramesha, N. (2000). Biosurfactant production and biodegradation of endosulfan : A tool for bioremediation in the soil, Second Internation Conference on Cotnaminants in the soil environment in the Australasia-Pacific region, New Delhi, India. p. 147-148
- 7. Karanth, N.G.K. and Ramesha, N. (1988). Production of biosurfactant and bioremediation through biodegradation of alpha-HCH by Pseudomonas Ptm+ strain, 42nd OHOLO conference on Novel Approaches for Bioremediation of Organic Pollution, Eilat, Israel, Abstr. P. 24
- 8. Ramesha, N. Athiya Afshan, Parvati, A., Anu appaiah, K.A. and Karanth, N.G.K. (1995). Purification of Pesticide-Specific Bacterial Surfactant for Industrial Exploitation. National Symposium on relevance of Biotechnology in Industry, Cochi University, Coch, India p. 27
- 9. Ramesha, N. Parvati, A., Athiya Afshan, Anu Appaiah, K.A. and Karanth, N.G.K. (1994). Isolation of biosurfactant produced by Pseudomonas Ptm+ strain and biosurfactant mediated dechlorination of alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane. MICON-International ‘94 and 35th Annual conference of AMI, Mysore, India. Abstr. No . IMB39, p. 82
- 10. Ramesha, N. and Karanth, N.G.K. (1993). Enzymatic dehalogenation of alpha-HCH in Pseudomonas Ptm+ strain National symposium on pesticides: Future Scenario, New Delhi, Abstr. P. 77
- 11. Ramesha, N. and Karanth, N.G.K. (1992). Degradation of alpha hexachlorocyclohexane (alpha-HCH) by Pseudomonas Ptm+ strain, 33rd Annual conference of AMI, Goa, India, Abstr. No. BCP 12, p. 78
- 12. Ramesha, N., Anu Appaiah, K.A. and Karanth, N.G.K. (1992). Bacterial surfactant mediated transformation of alpha HCH to insecticidal gamma HCH. 32nd Annual Conference of AMI, Madurai, India, Abstr. No. MMP 3-22, p. 232
- 13. Shivaramaiah, H.M., Ramesha, N. Karanth, N.G.K. and Krishnakumari, M.K. (1991) Sanitation of poultry sheds by microbial agents. 31st Annual Conference of Microbiologists of India, Coimbatore, India, Abstr. VM-11, p; 5
- 14. Doris, M.S., Ramesha, N. and Karanth, N.G.K. (1990). Insecticide contamination in ground nuts and biological methods for residue cleaning. National seminar on advances in seed science and Technology, Mysore, India, Abstr. P. 60
- 15. Karanth, N.G.K., Ramesha, N., Haleem, M.A., Rao, R.J. and Majumder, S.K. (1990) Control of housefly (Musca domestica) in poultry by in situ production of bacterial toxins. Second Asia-Pacific Congres on Animal, Plant and Microbial Toxins, Varanasi, India.
- 1. Poste Rouge Postdoctoral Fellow, France, 2003-04
- 2. CNRS Postdoctoral Fellow, France 2002-03
- 3. Post-doctoral fellowship at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 1995-1997
- 4. Senior Research Fellowship, University Grants Commission, India in 1990
- 5. Junior Research Fellowship, University Grants Commission, India in 1988
- 6. Banking Service Recruitment Board (BSRB) Exam in 1986
- 7. Andalamma Memorial Scholarship for highest score in Chemistry 1981-84
- 8. Post-Metric Scholarship 1979-84
- Email:nramesha@msrcasc.edu.in
Department of Biotechnology and Research Centre
MS Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce
Bangalore 560054, India