- Qualification: BE, ADSE, MSc, PhD
- Department: Department of Computer Science
- Designation: Associate Professor & Head (Computer Science & Electronis)
- Year of Experience: 26 years (Teaching), 2 years (Industry)
- Email ID: prathibavk_cs@msrcasc.edu.in
Academic / Professional Achievements
- Member of Board of studies(BOS) for UG & PG Computer Science and Applications Bengaluru City University 2021-2024
Publications – Journals / Conferences / Books / Seminars / Others
- Published a paper titled “A Review of Glioblastoma Tumour Image Segmentation Techniques" in Journal of Medical Surgical Nursing Practice and research
- Published a paper titled “PCB Defect Detection Using Genetic Algorithm Based Data Mining Approach” in International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, Volume XI, Issue VIII, August 17, www.ijcea.com ISSN 2321-3469
- Published a paper titled “Markov Model and Data Mining Approach for PCB Component Defect” in IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) Volume 19, Issue 4, Ver. V. (Jul.-Aug. 2017)
- Published a paper titled ” PCB Defect Detection using Computer Vision based Symbolic Pattern Analysis Technique” in International Journals of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (Volume-7, Issue-6) June 2017
- Presented a paper on “Contribution of women in higher education – An Overview” on 5th April 2016 in the National Conference on Research , Consultancy and Innovation in Higher Educational Institutions Issues and Challenges- MSRCASC
- Published a paper titled “Adaptive data mining approach for PCB defect Detection and Classification” in Indian Journal of Science and Technology(INDJST) – Volume-9, Issue 44-2016
- Published a paper titled “ Symbolic Pattern Analysis Method for PCB Defect Detection and Classification” in the International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences (IJETCAS) – Volume 1, Issue 18-2016
- Presented a paper titled “ Applications of Data Mining in Mobile Computing Environment” in the National Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Science and Applications” held on 19th September 2014 at Sambram Academy of Management Studies, Bangalore
- Published a paper in international journal IJRCM-2-Vol-4-2014 titled ““Pb Free Soldering Inspection of PCBA”
- Presented a paper titled “ Calibration of Surface Mount PCB Assembly using BPN Data mining Technology” in the National Level Conference on the topic “ Convergence in operational & Computational Technology – COCT 2K14” held on 28th March 2014 at Garden city College, Bangalore
- Presented a paper in the National Level Seminar on “Pb Free Soldering Inspection of PCBA” on 18th February 2013 held at Sindhi College, Bangalore
- Presented a paper in the National Level Conference on “Reflow Soldering Inspection for a Lead Free Component of Printed Circuit Board Assembly” held at Bhagavan Mahaveer Jain College, KGF 2013
- Published Microprocessors, Digital Logic and Architecture Lecture notes and Question bank in multiply.com in the year 200 6 and blogspot.com websites
- Published online article “ Mobile based Data Fusion in Wireless Sensor Networks” on 15 February 2015
- Published online article in Articlebase.com Embedded Systems on 24th March 2009
- Published online article “Artificial Intelligence” on 16th March 2009
Conferences / Seminars / Workshops / FDPs / Others – Attended
- Participated in National Level webinar titled “Recent Trends, Challenges and Research Opportunities” held on 11th June 2020 at Sheshadripuram College, Bangalore
- Participated in One Day Virtual FDP in “Current Trends and Techniques in Artificial Intelligence” held on 11th June 2020 at Jnana Jyothi Degree College, Bangalore
- Attended Seven Day Virtual FDP on “Python Programming” from 5th June to 11th June 2020 held at Government College for Women, Kolar, Karnataka in association with Spoken Tutorial, IIT Mumbai (An initiative of National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Govt of India)
- Participated in webinar series titled “Get Career- Ready: Post Covid -19” held from 17th to 19th June 2020 at RCASC
- Participated in webinar titled “Cyber Security and Technologies” held on 27th June 2020 at RCASC
- Participated in Online Faculty Development Programme on "Inspiring Innovation by deploying Design Thinking", conducted by Department of Commerce and Management, New Horizon College, Marathahalli, Bangalore held on 14th July 2020
- Participated in one-day National webinar on “Fighting Shadow Pandemic” on 25th July 2020 held at RCASC
- Participated in the webinar on “Data Analytics” on 29th July 2020 organized by KLES Nijalingappa College, Bangalore
- Participated in the webinar on “Data Center: On- Premise Vs Cloud” on 30th July 2020 organized by KLES Nijalingappa College, Bangalore
- Participated in National level technical webinar on “Robotics” held on 4th August 2020 by Bishop Cotton Women's Christian College, Bangalore
- Participated in National level technical webinar on “Low Code Cloud Automation using Zoho Creator” held on 5th August 2020 by Bishop Cotton Women's Christian College, Bangalore
- Participated in National level technical webinar on “Smart Factory Automation with Digital Twin” held on 7th August 2020 by Bishop Cotton Women's Christian College, Bangalore
- Participated in International webinar on “Emerging industrial Trends in Computing Technology” held on 24th November 2020 by St Annes Degree College for Women, Bangalore
- Participated in the webinar on “Cloud Data Analytics” on 26th November 2020 by Sambram Academy of Management Studies
- NATIONAL WORKSHOP ON BEST PRACTICES IN SSR PREPARATION” With Special Reference to Revised NAAC Framework” Organized by IQAC Cell, Padmashree Institute of Management and Sciences, Bengaluru Supported by NAAC, On 2nd January 2021
- Attended a webinar on “Artificial Intelligence(AI) in Public Life” conducted by AnanthKumar National Institute of Leadership Development and Public Policy Research on 23rd January 2021
- Attended The National Level Faculty Development Program On "Data Science with Python" Organized by The Department of Computer Applications – MCA On 28-January-2021
- Attended a webinar on “Criteria 3- NBA Accreditation” conducted by InPods Ed-Tech on 28th January 2021
- Attended Five-Day Faculty Development Program On “Enhancing Psychological Skills for Teaching/Learning and Practice” held from 03rd to 07th May 2021
- Attended One-day webinar on “Be Smart: Stress Management through Art” on 13th February 2021 organized by Women Cell – MSRCASC
- Attended National Seminar on “Health for all through Ayurveda - The Science of Life” organized on World Health Day by Department of Chemistry/Biochemistry, MSRCASC on 7th April, 2021
- Attended National Webinar on “Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Life of Common Man” organized by SRN Adarsh College, Bangalore on 8th and 9th April 2021
- Attended One Day National Seminar on “Safety and Health at Work” held on 28th April, 2021 by MSRCASC
- Attended webinar on “Consciousness of Yogic Practice” on 26th June 2021 by MSRCASC
- Attended Five Day Faculty Development Program on “Enhancing Psychological Skills for Teaching/Learning and Practice” from 3rd to 7th May 2021 by MSRCASC
- Attended a webinar on “The Impact of COVID-19 on Future Technology” held on 29th May 2021 organized by Department of Electronics, MSRCASC, Bangalore
- Participated in webinar titled “Cyber Security and Technologies” held on 27th June 2020 at RCASC
- Participated in webinar series titled “Get Career- Ready: Post Covid -19” held from 17th to 19th June 2020 at RCASC
- Participated in One Day Virtual FDP in “Current Trends and Techniques in Artificial Intelligence” held on 11th June 2020 at Jnana Jyothi Degree College, Bangalore
- Attended Seven Day Virtual FDP on “Phython Programming” from 5th June to 11th June 2020 held at Government College for Women, Kolar, Karnataka in association with Spoken Tutorial, IIT Mumbai (An initiative of National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Govt of India)
- Participated in National Level webinar titled “Recent Trends, Challenges and Research Opportunities” held on 11th June 2020 at Sheshadripuram College, Bangalore
- Participated in webinar titled “Exponential technologies transforming IT industry” held on 30th May 2020 at Baldwin Women’s Methodist College, Bangalore
- Participated in International webinar titled “Salesforce EcoSystem” held on 27th 28th and 29th May 2020 at St Anne’s First Grade College for Women, Bangalore
- Attended Two day workshop on Statistical Analysis Using R & Phython on 25th and 26th October 2019 at RNS First Grade college
- Attended workshop on Experiential Teaching and Learning Methodologies in Technology held on 26th September 2019 at Noble Group of Institutions
- Attended One day FDP on E-Resource and Digital Content held on 21st September 2019 held at RCASC
- Attended a National Seminar on New Methodology of Assessment and Accreditation by NAAC- Issues and Challenges held on 11th April 2019 at RCASC
- Attended an FDP programme on Data Analytics using R Language on 28th and 29th Sept 2018 held at RCASC
- Attended BOE meeting on 5th April 2017 held at Maharani Lakshmi Ammani College for Women- Autonomous
- Attended Faculty development program on MATLAB organized by Computer Science Department, MSRCASC on 1st and 2nd February 2017
- Attended an FDP on “Microprocessor and 8085 programming” held at St Claret College, Bangalore 2016
- Attended BOE meeting on 20th October 2016 held at Maharani Lakshmi Ammani College for Women- Autonomous
- Attended a workshop on “Datamining Applications using Rapid Miner” held at Kristu Jain Autonomous College , Bangalore
- Attended Faculty Development Program held at M S Ramaiah College of Education, MSRIT Campus, Bangalore from 10th August 2014 to 12 th August 2014
- Attended a National Level seminar on “Mobility” held at KLE College on 9th February 2013.
- Attended a Training workshop on “Tobacco session Counseling for Teachers” organized by M S Ramaiah Detal College and Hospital in the month of March 2014
- Undergone FDP training on “Application of Statistics for Academic Excellence using M S Excel” on 5th December 2013 at MSRCASC
- Attended a Two day course in Cookery, Bakery and Confectionary at M S Ramaiah College of Hotel Management on 23rd Feb and 2nd March 2013
- Attended FDP on “Cloud Computing” at Cognizant on 1st February 2013.
- Attended workshop on Android Application Development conducted by Atharvan Workshops on 30th & 31st Jan 2013
- Attended National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) workshop conducted by Classle on 2nd Jan 2013
- Attended BOAE meeting to appoint the BOE members on 17/07/2012
- Attended BOS meeting held at CMRIMS to frame the syllabus for BCA course, Bangalore -2012
- Participated in National Science Day on 23rd and 24th February 2012 held at MSRCASC
- Participated in the 10 days intensive workshop on Data Mining Tools conducted mby the R & D Centre of VISVAS from 15th February to 24th February 2011
- Attended BOE meeting to scrutinize the BCA papers for the two semesters held on 18th and 19th August 2011
- Attended BOE meeting to scrutinize the BCA papers for the two semesters held in 2012
- Attended BOS meetings held during the year 2011 to frame the syllabus for BSc, M.Sc and MCA
- Attended Faculty Development Programme/Inhouse Symposium” on 8th and 9th January 2010 conducted in Collaboration with M S Ramaiah Institute of Nursing Education and Research
- Participated in One day workshop on “ Computer Architecture” held at Vivekanada Degree College on 8th October 2009
- Participated in the seminar on “ Current Microsoft Technologies “ held at Maharani Lakshmi Ammani College for Women on 22nd September 2009
- Attended the Joint meeting of BOS in Electronic Media and in Master of Computer Applications on 20th May 2009
- Attended BOS meeting to frame the syllabus for BCA 2009
- Attended BOS meeting to frame the syllabus for B.Sc Electronic media
- Attended workshop on “BCA Curriculum” on 27th Feb 2009 at KLE’s Nijalingappa College, Bangalore
- Participated in faculty development programme on “ Bridging the Gap” ?conducted by BREAK THROUGH” on 27th Jan 2009
- On 8th August 2008 “Fides Industry Academia Meet” conducted by Philip Rajan Fides Global Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
- Participated in the workshop on Information Security conducted by MSRIT on 7th & 8th of April 2008
- Undergone training program in “YOGA and Allied Branches ” held by Gokula
Ayush Arogyadhama” at MSRCASC From 18th August 2008 to 29th August 2008
- Attended seminar on Oracle 10G conducted by Oracle at Taj Residency, in 2007
- Particpated in One day workshop on “ Mentoring” on 13th May 2006 held at Acharya Institute of Management Studies organized by Academy for Creative Teaching (ACT)
- Attended in the TEQIP sponsored workshop on Information Security organized by MSRIT on 7th and 8th April 2006
- Participated in the workshop on “Pervasive and Mobile Computing” held on 11th March 2006 at Acharya Institute of Management Studies
- Attended a workshop on Software Engineering in Practice organized by T John College on 31st July 2004
- Participated in “Teacher Development” a Two day workshop conducted on 20th and 21st June 2003 held at T John College organized by International Academy for Creative teaching (iACT)
Awards and recognitions
- Question paper setter for BU 2017- 2018 and BCU 2018-2019
- Member of BOE – BCA Board , Maharani Lakshmi Ammani College for Women, Autonomous, Bangalore – 2016-2017
- Question paper setter for BCA , Maharani Lakshmi Ammani College for Women, Autonomous, Bangalore – 2016-2017
- Question paper setter for BCA, MCA- CMRIMS Autonomous, BU 2015-2016
- Advisory Board Member – Acharya Institute of Graduate Studies -2014-2015
- Invited as a Guest/ Judge for “Paper Presentation” event held on 24th September 2015 held at Maharani Lakshmi Ammani College for Women, Bangalore
- Invited as a Guest/Judge for “Pick & Speak” event held on 19th September 2014 held at Maharani Lakshmi Ammani College for Women , Bangalore
- Chairperson, BOE – BCA Board, Bangalore University – 2012 -2013
- Member of BOAE (Board of Appointment of Examiners), Bangalore University 2012
- Invited as a Guest/ Judge for “Web Page Designing” event held on 27th January 2012 held at Maharani Lakshmi Ammani College for Women , Bangalore
- Invited as Guest/ judge for “Paper presentation” event in the fest conducted by Presidency college, Bangalore 2012
- BOS of BCA, CMRIMS – Autonomous, 2012-2013
- BOE of BCA Bangalore University, 2011 -2012
- Joint BOS of Computer Science & Applications and Electronic media UG & PG), Bangalore University from 2009-2010 onwards
- BOS of Computer Science & Applications (UG & PG), Bangalore University from 2008-2011.
- BOE Jain University – BCA 2011
- Question paper setter for MCA, BCA, BBM for CMR Autonomous from 2009-10 onwards till 2016
- Question paper setter for BCA Bangalore University and Chief examiner from 2008 till date
- BOE (Bangalore University Board –BCA) 2007- 2008
- BOE (Bangalore University Board –MCA) 2005- 2006
- Question Paper Setter for Bangalore University(MCA, M.Sc Computer Science), Christ College (MCA, BCA & BBM) , 2000 – 2007
- Framing the syllabus of BCA – Bangalore University.
- Worked as Chief superintendent, deputy chief for theory exams of UG courses from 2006 till date
- MCA Evaluation, BCA Chief & reviewer for evaluation, External examiner for MCA , BCA,BBM of BU, Christ University , Mount Carmel Autonomous, Jyothi Nivas Autonomous, Bangalore 2004-2006
- CSI (Computer Society of India) Member 2006 -2007
Contribution to the development of institution
- Organizing seminars, workshops, conferences, value added courses for students and staff
- Worked as a Placement Officer and achieved placing 60 students of all UG streams – 2008-2009
- Involved in organizing Augmentation Programmes for BCA & B.Sc students
Any other…
- Member of Youth Red Cross Wing of MSRCASC and participated in its programs during 2009 -2010
- Training course in Visual Basic with Project from Nutech Software in 1998
- English Junior Typing -Commerce Institute, Bellary 1985
Industrial Experience
- Worked with Hilti Micro Information System & Technology Pvt. Ltd., Vyalikaval, Bangalore from Aug 98 to April 2000 as Software Programmer.
Extracurricular activities
- Awarded 2nd Prize in Shuttle-Badminton at MSRCASC Annual Sports & Games -2009
- Passed Beginners Test Rifle training in First Class with Distinction
- Basket ball player