- Qualification: MSc, K-SET, (MBA)
- Department: Department of Computer Science
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Year of Experience: 8 years
- Email ID:
Academic / Professional Achievements
Publications – Journals/ Conferences / Others
- Lakshmipathi V -Presented a paper titled “Impact of Covid-19 in Education Sector” in One Day National E-Seminar on 4thNovember 2020 held at M S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science & Commerce.
- Lakshmipathi V K, Naveen kumar.R, ”Attendance system by DWT and HOG face recognition techniques “, International Journal of Advance and Innovative research,Vol.6(2),pp-83-87(2019)
- Presented a paper titled “Artificial Intelligence in Hospitals” in one day national conference “THE EMERGENCE OF START-UP ECO-SYSTEM IN INDIA-New ways to engage millennials and wealth creations”,held on 30th April 2019 with KAAV Publications(NJACSRR)with impact factor:6.0877,ISSN:2394-4870, Volume-06,at INDO ASIAN ACADEMY GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS.
- Published the paper entitled, “Radio Frequency Identification Based Attendance Management System” in Shanlax Internetional Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities (2018) , ISSN: 2321-788X
- Participated and presented a paper titled “Cryptography and Network Security “ in one day National Conference on Advances in computer Science and Engineering on 6th April 2018 held at Government Science College Autonomous
- Presented a paper titled, “Radio Frequency Identification Based Attendance Management System“ in the National Level Conference on 27th Mar’ 2018 at Indo Asian Academy Degree College & PG Center & at Indo Asian Women’s Degree College
- Presented a paper titled” Using Big Data & Gamification to incentivize Sustainable urban mobility” in 10th National Women’s Science Congress on 6th & 7th 2017 November held at M S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science & Commerce
- Presented a research paper titled, “Impact of Big Data and Social Media on the Society” in the National Conference on EMERGING TRENDS IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYon 15th Mar’ 2017 organized by the Department of science & Computer Applications held at Indo Asian Academy Degree College
- Presented a paper titled, “Impact of E-Learning of Under Graduate Students” in the National Conference on RESEARCH,CONSULTANCY AND INNOVATION IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS-ISSUES AND CHALLENGES on 5th April 2016 organized by the internal quality assurance cell of M.S.Ramaiah college of Arts Science and Commerce
- Presented a poster titled “Awareness and Usage of Library Services and Facilities Among the Students and Faculty of MSRCASC-A Study” on 16th April 2013 at M.S.Ramaiah college of Arts Science and Commerce
Seminars / Conferences / Work Shops / Training Programs - Attended Participated
- Participated in the Workshop on "CYBERSECURITY AND EMERGING DATA PROTECTION REGULATIONS IN INDIA" organized by KLE Society's GurusiddappaKotambri Law College, Hubballi and KLE Institute of Technology. Hubballi held on 13" & 14" August 2020
- Participated in Workshop on “Deep Learning” conducted by Indian Servers Team at Andhra Loyola College from 3rd to 4th August 2020.
- Participated in three-day workshop on "NAAC Assessment and Accreditation: A Step by Step Process"held during 28th - 30th May, 2020 organized by GATES institute of Technology.
- Participated in 3rd National Seminar on “New Methodology of Assessment and Accreditation by NAAC-Issues and Challenges” on 11th April 2019 at Ramaiah college of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bangalore.
- Participated in THE CONCLAVE 2017 on 26th March 2017 organized by Bharat Niti in association with F.K.C.C.I
- Participated in the U.G.C. sponsored One Day Workshop on “ Cyber Security, Cyber Laws And Cyber Crime” on 26th September 2013 held at M.E.S. Degree College of Arts, Commerce & Science
- Attended 2 day workshop on Android Application Development on 30th & 31st January 2013 conducted in association with M.S. Ramaiah College of Arts Science And Commerce
- Participated in the state level conference on ‘Job Opportunities in Central & State Government Services’ on 21st January 2013 organized by G.T. Institute of Management Studies & Research in Association with staff selection commission, Govt. of India,
- Attended the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) workshop conducted by classle held on 2nd January 2013 at M.S. Ramaiah college of Arts Science And Commerce
- Participated in two day National conference on “Advanced Communication Trends“ ACT’12 held on 23rd & 24th August 2012 at Rajarajeshwari College of Engineering
- Attended and participated in the National Science day held on 23rd & 24th Feb’ 2012 at M.S. Ramaiah college of Arts Science And Commerce
Short Term Training Programs
- Participation and Obtained Passing Grades in “AICTE Sponsored Short Term Training Program (STTP) on Machine Learning with Python in Data Science - Applications and Research Perspectives” on 24th to 29th August, 2020 organized by Department of Information Technology, SRM Institute of Science and Technology.
- Participation and Obtained Passing Grades in “AICTE Sponsored one-week Short Term Training Program (STTP) phase-II on Machine Learning with Python in Data Science - Applications and Research Perspectives” on 7th to 12th September, 2020 organized by Department of Information Technology, SRM Institute of Science and Technology.
- Participation and Obtained Passing Grades in “AICTE Sponsored one-week Short Term Training Program (STTP) phase-IV on Machine Learning with Python in Data Science - Applications and Research Perspectives” on 5th to 14th November, 2020 organized by Department of Information Technology, SRM Institute of Science and Technology.
Faculty Development Programs
- Participated in the International Level Faculty Development Programme on “TECHNOLOGY AND EMOTIONAL ENRICHMENTon 22nd June 2020 organized by the Department of Computer Applications, St. Xavier's College (Autonomous), Palayamkottai.
- Participated in the International Level Faculty Development Programme on “Artificial intelligence using python” from 14thSeptember 2020 to 19th September 2020 organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam in association with Brainovision Solutions India Pvt.Ltd., National Youth Council of India.
- Participated in State Faculty Development Programme on “Machine Learning & Deep Learning Techniques with its Applications” on 22nd August 2020 Organized by Rajasthan Technical University, Kota Poornima College of Engineering, Jaipur.
- Participated in Faculty Development Programme on “Online Teaching during COVID-19 pandemicfrom 23rd to 27th June 2020 organized by IQAC, Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce.
- Participated in Faculty Development Programme on “Emerging Trends in Computer Science & Engineering and their Applications”from 5th-9th August-2020 Jointly Organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Nawab Shah Alam Khan College of Engineering & Technology & C-DAC Bangalore.
- Participated in the One Week Online Management Development Programme on “EmergingTechnologies and Competencies in Transforming Business Landscape”, Organized by the Department ofManagement Studies, in association with IQAC, Ramaiah Institute ofTechnology, Bangalorefrom 20th July, 2020 to 25th July, 2020.
- Participated in Faculty Development Programme on “MATLAB”from 16th August 2020 to 18th August 2020. organized by Dr.Y.C.JAMES YEN GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC, Kuppam, Chittoor Dist., A.P.
- Participated in the International Level Faculty Development Programme on “E-Contents and ICT Tools for Innovative and Effective Teaching & Learning Process” from 8 August to 14 August, Organized by Roorkee College of Management & Computer Applications, Roorkee.
- Participated in the State Level Faculty Development Programme on “Skill Development in Academic and Research”on 14th, 17th and 18th August, 2020, organized by Telangana Social Welfare Residential Degree College for Women, Warangal West.
- Participated in the International Level Faculty Development Programme on “Art of influencing students in online classes” on 25th June 2020 organized by Nagarjuna Collage of management.
- Participated in the Online Management Development Programme on “Didactics for Online Teaching”, Organized by the Department of Management Studies, in association with IQAC, Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore on 2nd July 2020.
- Participated in the International Level Faculty Development Programme on “Innovative Strategies in Emerging Technologies” organized by RAJAPALAYAM RAJUS’ COLLEGE,P.G.Department of Computer Science from 20-07-2020 to 24-07-2020.
- Participated in the State Level Faculty Development Programme on “DATA SCIENCE” from 3rd September to 5th September 2020, organized by Tapi Diploma Engineering College,Surat.
- Participated in the State Level Faculty Development Programme on “Cyber Hygiene Practices and Digital Signatures” Conducted in collaboration with Dept. of CSE, Nawab Shah Alam Khan College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad. This training is conducted by C-DAC.
- Participated in Faculty Development Programme on “DATA ANALYTICS Using R” on 28th and 29th Sep 2018 at Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bangalore.
- Participated in the faculty development program conducted from 14th-16th September 2017 held at Ramaiah college of Arts Science And Commerce
- Participated in the State Level Faculty Development Programme on “Image Processing-MATLAB “ on 3rd and 4th February 2017 organized by Department of Computer Science , MS Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce
- Participated at PRAJNAN 2016, State Level Faculty Workshop on “Application of 8085 microprocessor and research prospects in microcontroller” on 9th August, 2016 held at St. Claret College
- Participated in Faculty Development Program on Emerging trends in .Net Technology July 26th 2013, Bangalore.
- Participated in PRAJNAN-2013 (National Level Faculty Development Workshop on Research Opportunities in Computer Science ) on 16th March 2013 held at St. Claret College
Webinar Series
- Participated in the International Level Webinar on"DATA ANALYTICS" by Mr. Naveen Karunakaran organized by the Department of Computer Applications, St. Xavier's College (Autonomous), Palayamkottaionon 22nd June 2020.
- Participated in the International Level Webinar on“Emotional Well being and Management Stress" by Dr.Suresh Kumar organized by the Department of Computer Applications, St. Xavier's College (Autonomous), Palayamkottaion on 24th June 2020.
- Participated in the International Level Webinar on“Opportunities in NEW NORMAL”by Mr.R.Ayerajothiorganized by the Department of Computer Applications, St. Xavier's College (Autonomous), Palayamkottaion on 25th June 2020.
- Participated in the International Level Webinar on“Digital Accessibility TECH for Blind”by Mr.MichaelPackiyaraj organized by the Department of Computer Applications, St. Xavier's College (Autonomous), Palayamkottaion on 26th June 2020.
- Participated in the International Level Webinar on“Data Visualization by TableAU” by Mr.Radhakrishan organized by the Department of Computer Applications, St. Xavier's College (Autonomous), Palayamkottaion on 26th June 2020.
- Participated in Webinar on“Pandas for Data Analytics”Conducted by NitteMeenakshi Institute of Technology on 17th August 2020.
- Participated in webinar “Molecular Etiology & Clinical Perspectives of SARS-CoVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak” on 20th July 2020 organized by Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce.
- Participated in the One Day National Webinar held on 25th July 2020, on “Fighting Shadow Pandemic” organized by DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH, Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce.
- Participated in the webinar titled “Exponential technologies transforming IT industry” organized by BALDWIN WOMEN’S METHODIST COLLEGE, BCA Department in coordination with IQAC, on 30.05.2020 through online pedagogy.
- Participated in one-day webinar on ‘Cyber Security and Technologies’ organized by Department of Computer Science on 27th June 2020, at Ramaiah college of Arts, Science and commerce.
- Participated in a Webinar titled “Managing your Finances & Investments During COVID 19”, Conducted on 28th May 2020, in collaboration with the Dept of Commerce, Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce and Finmark Trainers India Pvt Ltd.
- Participated in a Webinar titled on "The Impact of Quantum Computing on Cryptography” organized by Department of ECE, SRINIVASA RAMANUJAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY on 30th May, 2020.
- Participated in the National Level Webinar on “DIGITAL MARKETING” conducted by the Department of BBA of Andhra Loyola College on 6th August 2020.
- Participated in a Webinar titled on "Impact of Covid – 19 Empowering young lives mental health awareness” organized by Shree VeerendraPatil degree college of Science, Arts, Commerce, Management and post-graduation on 30th May, 2020.
- Participated in the National Level Webinar on “CHANGING DIMENSIONS IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP” conducted by the Department of BBA of Andhra Loyola College on 27th July 2020.
Quiz Programs
- Participated in National Level Quiz on Mind thinking on 6/23/2020 organized by Department of Computer Science, Sindhi College, Bengaluru.
- Participated in National Level Quiz on NET/SET PAPER I on 28th June 2020 organized by CSI JayarajAnnapackiam College.
- Participated in National level Quiz on Emerging Trends in Technology on 3rd August 2020 organized Department of Information Technology(B.Sc-I.T) Government Arts and Science College ,Coimbatore
Contribution to Development of Institution
- Guided various UG Projects for BSc / BCA students
- Guided MCA project – ipath: path inference in wireless sensor networks , for the students Distance learning Gitam university in the year 2017-18
- Coordinated in all the departmental activities.
- Organized Student – State Level Conference on Emerging Technologies & Computer Applications in 2018. Conference conducted on on 10th March 2018
- Organized two days workshop for “3D-gaming in unity” on 14th and 15th Sep 2017
- Organized “Student – State Level Conference” on Emerging Technologies & Computer Applications in 2017. Conference conducted on on 10th March 2017
- Organized Workshop on “ Personality” for fist year students in association with the DECCAN HERALD for three days from 19th Jan 2017 to 21st Jan 2017
- Member of various committees such as Cultural, Magazine, proctor.