- Qualification: MSc, MTech(IT)
- Department: Department of Computer Science
- Designation: Assistant Professor
- Year of Experience: 20 years
- Email ID:
Academic / Professional Achievements
Publications – Journals / Conferences / Books / Seminars / Others
- Published a paper titled, ‘Design of Artificial Neural Network Model for Linear Programming Problem ', in National Journal Bulletin, Vol:3, 2019
- Presented a paper titled, “Automatic Parking System Using IOT” in the one day National Symposium organized by ASC Degree College on 12th October 2018.
- Presented a paper titled , “Radio Frequency Identification Based attendance Management Sytem” on 6th April 2018 in ACSE 2018 UGC sponsored One Day National Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Engineering, held at Government Science College Autonomous, and won the BEST PAPER AWARD
- Presented a paper titled , “Impact of Computers in Day to Day Life” in 10th National Women’s Science Congress on 6th and 7th November 2017 at RCASC, Bangalore
- Presented a paper titled, “Role of Hadoop in Era of IT – An Overview” in the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology in Today’s Business Scenario on 6th October 2016 at Koshys Group of Institutions, Bangalore
- Presented a paper titled, “Contribution of women in higher education – An Overview” on 5th April 2016 in the National Conference on Research , Consultancy and Innovation in Higher Educational Institutions Issues and Challenges at MSRCASC
- Presented a paper titled, “Impact of Big Data Analytics in day to day Life” in the National Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science on 8th October 2015, Tumkur University, Tumkur
- Presented a paper titled, “Mobile Phone Cloning” in “Convergence in Operational and Computational Technology – COCT 2K14” held on 28th March 2014, in Garden City College, Bangalore.
- Presented a paper and poster titled, “Future trends of Alumni Association a win-win association” in National Level Workshop sponsored on 16th April 2013 at MSRCASC, Bangalore .
Conferences / Seminars / Workshops / FDPs / Others – Attended
- Participated in Two Day National Conference on ‘Strategizing teaching-Learning for Quality Enhancement & Sustenance” in Sindhi College on 22nd and 23rd March 2019.
- Attended a National Level conference on “Current Trends in Advanced Computing and IT applications” on 1st and 2nd March 2013, in Jain Group of institutions.
- Participated in One Day National E-Seminar on the topic “IMPACT OF COVID-19 IN EDUCATION SECTOR” on 04.June.2020 organized by Department Of Languages, Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce.
- Attended a One Day National Seminar on New Methodology of Assessment and Accreditation by NAAC- Issues and Challenges organized by RCASC-IQAC on 11th April 2019
- Attended National Science day on “Sustainable Energy for all “ conducted by MSRCASC on 23rd and 25th February 2012.
- Attended in National Level Seminar on Mobility held on 9th February 2013, at K L E Society’s S. Nijalingappa College
- Participated in the National Level Faculty Development Programme on “Matlab and its Applications” from 17th to 19th August 2020 organized by Bishop Cotton Women’s Christian College.
- Participated in one day Virtual Faculty Development Programme on “Current Trends and Techniques in Artificial Intelligence ” on 11th June 2020 organized by Jnana Jyothi Degree.
- Participated in the International Level Faculty Development Programme on “Python Programming” from 5th to 11th June 2020 organized by Department of Computer Science, Government College for Women, Kolar ,Karnataka.
- Attended a Two day FDP on R-Programming with Data Science held on 28th and 29th September 2018 at MSRCASC
- Attended an FDP on Intellectual Property Rights held at RCASC on 17th and 19th December 2018
- Attended an FDP on “ Effective pedagogical Techniques for today’s Google Era” through Internal Quality assurance Cell on 4/19/2018
- Attended Faculty development program on MATLAB organized by Computer Science Department, MSRCASC on 1st and 2nd February 2017.
- Attended an FDP program held at MSRIT by M S Ramaiah B.Ed college
- Attended Faculty development program on Meditation for Work-life Balance by department of English, MSRCASC, on 14,15 and 16 of September 2017
- Attended FDP on “ Applications of of Statistics for Academic Excellence using M.S Excel “ on 5th December 2013 at MSRCASC.
- Attended FDP conducted in collaboration with M S Ramaiah Institute of Nursing Education & Reasearch on 8th and 9th January 2010.
- Attended FDP on Bridging the Gap at Breakthough , Bangalore on 27th Jan 2009.
- Participated in International Workshop on Accelerate Research, conducted online during 22nd – 26th, September 2020 Organized by Anurag University.
- Attended workshop on “Significance of ICT towards revised Assessment and Accreditation Framework of NAAC” by GEF
- Attended one day state level workshop on “Microsoft Visual C++ & VB.Net” organized by It club on 22nd September 2010 in St.Claret College.
- Attended workshop on e-Governance;Challenges and Prospects, 0n December 18, 2012 in Bangalore university, Bangalore.
- Attended Workshop in Cloud Computing on February 1st , conducted at Cognizant.
- Attended the National programme on Technology Enhanced Learning Workshop Conducted by Classless held on 2nd January 2013.
- Attended workshop on Android Application Development conducted by Atharvan Workshops in association with MSRCASC , on 30th and 31st January 2013
- Attended workshop on Tobacco Cessation Counseling for teachers on feb 2014 , in M S Ramaiah Dental College & Hospital, Bangalore.
- Attended Value added Course on “Stress Buster” organized by te department of Biotechnology from 15th March to 21st March 2014.
- Undergone training in yoga from Aug 18th to aug 29th ,2008, conducted by Gokula Ayush Arogyadhama.
- Participated in National level Quiz on NET/SET PAPER I on 29th June 2020 and scored 92% with was organized by CSI Jayaraj Annapackiam College.
- Participated in National level Quiz on NET/SET PAPER I on 28th June 2020 and scored 96% with was organized by CSI Jayaraj Annapackiam College.
- Participated in Quiz on “INTELLECTUAL CALISTHENICS E-QUIZ” on Thursday 18th, June 2020 organized by Department Of English, Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce.
- Participated in “Environment Awareness Quiz-2020” held on June 2020, organized by Chemistry Department, P.M.B. Gujarati Science College, Indore [M.P.] through online pedagogy
- Participated In Quiz on “APTITUDE” held on 6/4/2020, organized Soundarya Institute of Management & Science.
- Participated in “Programming Languages” held on 26/6/2020, Organized Department of BCA NEW HORIZON COLLEGE MARATHALLI in association with IQAC and AVV Aspire Solutions.
- Participated in a Webinar titled on "Impact of Covid – 19 Empowering young lives mental health awareness ” organized by Shree Veerendra Patil degree college of Science, Arts, Commerce ,Management and post graduation on 26th June, 2020
- Participated in webinar program titled ‘Impact of Virtual Learning environment and effectiveness’ on 24th June 2020 organized by East West College of Management.
- Participated in National Level Webinar on “Predictive Analytics and Data Modeling on COVID-19 Crisis using Redefined Control Measures” on 17/06/2020 organized by Dept. of Computer Science, Sindhi College, Bangalore.
- Participated in the One Day National Webinar held on 13th June 2020, on “ Privacy and Security in Social Networks” organized by Department of Computer Science and Application, ST.Francis College.
Awards and recognitions
- Paper Setter for MLACW 2018 Nov
- Presented a paper titled “Radio Frequency Identification Based attendance Management Sytem” in ACSE 2018 UGC sponsored One Day National Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Engineering, held at Government Science College Autonomous, on 6th April 2018 and won the BEST PAPER AWARD
- Paper setter for BCA April 2021 MLACW
- Paper setter for BCA April 2020 MLACW
- Paper setter for BCA April 2019 MLACW
- Paper setter for BCA April 2018 MLACW
- Paper setter for BCA September 2017 MLACW
- Paper setter for BSc May/June 2017 , Bangalore university
- Paper setter for BSc – Nov/Dec 2015 Bangalore University
- University 4Th Rank in M.Sc (Computer Science)
Contribution to development of institution
- Coordinated State Level Conference SLECTA -2018 held on 16th March ,2018
- Coordinated IT FEST every year with technical and nontechnical events
- Convener of Computer Club “TECHNO FREAKS”
- Coordinated Two day workshop 3D Game Designing on 13th and 14th September 2017
- Taken initiative to organize seminar on SQL from Alumni ARUN working in WIPRO
- Coordinated State Level Conference SLECTA -2017 held on March 10th
- Coordinated in the Zonal round of Technician in association with E-Cell IIT-Delhi organized by Times World Group, at MSRCASC.2015
Any other…
- Completed Lower Type writing Course in the Year 1999
- Done Manual and Automation Testing tools Course
- Done the project work on “Engineering Documentation Processing System” in ITI Limited, Bangalore.