
Department Objectives:
- To understand the research, teaching and learning needs of its users.
- To build collections and create tools to support research, teaching and learning.
- To provide access to and promote the discovery and use of local and external information resources.
- To ensure the preservation a long-lasting availability of library collections and resources.
Library Facilities:
The College Library is a gateway to a world of Information. The Staff and students have unlimited access to a wealth of Information found in resources like books, magazines, Journals, Hand Books, Annual reports and the Internet.
The RCASC Central Library aims to providing access to its printed resources such as books, periodicals as well as e-resources for the use of faculty and students at the college campus.
Library Committee for the academic year 2022-23

Library Collections:
SN | Description | No’s |
1 | No. of Volumes | 24,367 |
2 | No. of Titles | 11,331 |
3 | No. of National Journals | 50 |
4 | No. of International Journals | 09 |
5 | No. of Magazines | 38 |
6 | No. of Newspapers | 21 |
7 | No. of E-Resource | 08 |
8 | Annual Report | 16 |
9 | Bound Volumes | 744 |
10 | Charts | 02 |
11 | Compact Disks (CD’s) | 470 |
12 | Complimentary Copy | 364 |
13 | Donated Books | 285 |
14 | Project Report | 188 |
15 | Project Report CD’s | 10 |
SN | E-Resource | Type | Subject Covered | URL |
1 | J-Gate: Science & Technology Collection | Database (e-Journals | Science | https://jgateplus.com/home/ |
2 | J-Gate: Social Science & Humanities Collection | Database (e-Journals) | Arts, Management & Commerce | https://jgateplus.com/home/ |
3 | e-Books Collection | e-Books Platform | Art, Science and Commerce | http://www.eboox.in/ |
4 | India Business Insights | Business Database | Management & Commerce | http://indiabusinessinsight.com/ibi/index/ |
5 | EBSCO | Database (e-Journals + e-Books) | Management & Commerce | http://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/search/selectdb?vid=0&sid=98e61d2b-4caa-4169-9858-4b6351100237%40sdc-v-sessmgr03 |
6 | British Council Library | Database | English Literature | https://library.britishcouncil.org.in/cgi-bin/koha/opac-user.pl |
7 | DELNET | Database | All | Username: knmsrcasc Password:msrcasc651 |
8 | DELNET (World eBook Library) | eBooks | All | http://community.ebooklibrary.org/?AffiliateKey=WEL-RamInsManBen |
9 | NLIST INFLIBNET | e-Journals and e-books | All | https://nlist.inflibnet.ac.in:2443/login For login details contact to the Librarian. |
Open E-Resources:
- National Digital Library
- e-ShodhSindhu Consortium
- Digital Library by Karnataka Government
- e-PG Pathshala
- Cambridge Dictionary and Thesaurus
- Bengaluru University e-Resources Portal
Library Institutional Membership:
- DELNET (Developing Library Network)
- British Council Library, Bengaluru
Library Services:
- E-Resources Facility
- Library Electronic Services (LES)
- SC/ST Book Bank Facility
- Inter Library Loan (ILL)
- Reference Service
- Referral Service
- Reprographic Service
- Wi-Fi
- Digital Library
- Computerized Services – Books Circulation through LMS
Best Practice of the Library:
- Observation of other library practices by institutional visits
- User Orientation (Information Literacy Programme)
- Extended Library Opening Hours
- Maintenance of Service Areas
- Access to e-Resources
- Library Book Exhibition
- Best Library User Award
- User Feedback Practice thru Suggestion Box
Library Expenditure Details
- 2019-20 Library Expenditure
- 2018-19 4.2.3 Library Expenditure
- 2017-18 4.2.3 Library Expenditure
- 2016-17 4.2.3 Library Expenditure
- 2015-16 4.2.3 Library Expenditure
- 2014-15 4.2.3 Library Expenditure